Apparently LJ has gone and done some more corporate bullshit move by
no longer letting people create an ad-free account without paying them. I.e., the account that I made a few years ago--with no ads, free to me--is no longer an option for people trying to join LJ. This move is apparently pissing people off enough (coupled with lots of other things the Six Apart/LJ manglement has done) that many people are leaving. Well, they've been leaving for a while, really. But many of my favorite people are no longer around LJ anymore.
I've been more active over at since the New Year, where--like LJ--the statement "we will never have any ads" has given way to talk of such (although thankfully, none yet). I realize that financial realities are what they are, but don't say you will "never" have something if you can't back it up, ya know?
Although I'm far from any Cyber Pioneer, one of the biggest draws for the internet when I first got online in '99 was that everything was free. Remember the free Internet? What happened to that? Why no more Free? What can we do about this growing problem? Is it possible anymore? Why not?
Where have all the anarchist Haxorz gone?