
Jan 06, 2007 19:02

I just had a little "a-ha!" this weekend. I know that I've long disliked "spoiled" people, and I unfairly expect others to be as gracious as I like to think that I am. Whilst being a general big pet peeve of mine, I particularly struggle with it at work. Many of the kids act downright entitled. And I realized something about these Memes--a continuum. It could be vaguely described as such:

"You owe me"----(neutral)----"I appreciate you"

Extreme behavior on the left side of this arrangement can be seen as the narcissistic "Gimme NOW!" attitude that is typical of your average young child. I know that it is probably going to be a continual battle throughout my Life if I want to truly be GreatFul of all that I Experience, but I do try.

I speak often of Gratitude, as I believe being Thankful is a highly efficient attitude that seems to intrinsically reap rewards that can only be appreciated once one has Practiced at the

"Attitude of Gratitude"

I know that I am Thankful for all that I Experience & Share--including you, dear reader.

[Edit: One of the best ways to bring about Thankfullness is Imagining Life without the (person, situation, relationship, etc.) in question. This is rather "Buddhist" in that it stresses the fact that since no-Thing is everlasting, be Thankful of what you have right now. Because you won't always have it. The Taoist side says "The only 'constant' is Change". As the thing arose, it shall sink back down. toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe, I say. Thanks to ineffabelle and dawningday for reminding me of this.]

Speaking of being Thankful, Huston Smith--in a quote he gave on one of the many videos I've been watching--once said that "Zen can best be described as

Infinite Gratitude for the Past,
Infinite Service to the Present, &
Infinite Responsibility for the Future"

...'cuz I'm Zen like dat, yo.


gratitude, 4th circuit, a-ha!, zen, cfh, kids, quotes, buddhism

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