I've recently been allowing myself some mental downtime in the form of mindless RPGing. One of the kids at work introduced me to
Dragon Fable, a free web flash based RPG. If you're looking for an in depth, serious storyline driven RPG, this isn't the game for you. If you're looking for a game you can access from any web browser to kill a few minutes here and there because you're far too busy to be bothered with keeping track of crazy quests and puzzles, then this is the perfect game for you (hell, if the kids at work can get it...). It's literally mind-numbingly repetitive and Zimple (ooh! a Fruedian typo and neologizm all in 2!).
Esoterically speaking, I've found Dragon Fable is a perfect Vehicle for trance-porting my consciousness to a great SoC useful for Reflecting and Contemplating things without excessive Conscious interference. Letting the Waters of the Deep Mind become Clear via Stillness and allowing the aggregate to Settle, as it were. Or Clearing the Sky of Meind to allow the Light to Shine through. One of those metaphors. Tomato tomato, I always say.
Just thought I'd mention it for those who may find it of use. I'm currently Experimenting with its ability to cure Insomnia.
*Okay, so technically speaking, I realize that this post's emphasis on distracting the Mind to reach Satori is actually the opposite of Zen's emphasis on being fully Mindfully Present in the moment, but as it easily displays the same end-Result SoC (many Paths up the Mountain, yo), I used the term "Zen" here as a simple descriptor that would help describe my post succinctly. Thank you for playing along.