This is a report on the first week of the
Focus on eliminating disStress in my personal Life:
I've been doing much better than I'd thought I would be. Until last night, I think I'd avoided getting stressed at anything all week long--both not-at-work and at-work (except in certain moments when a Stress response is needed). Last night, however, I started feeling stressed about certain things (that should be exciting me!), and I've not had the best of mornings (but not horrible, either).
Synchronistically enough, my week as a whole has been infinitely better than last week, too. Funny how that works, eh?
On a side note--I've been collecting various papers from work that are also of interest to this Working. One example is the "Relaxation Notebook" that I borrowed from (around 20 pages of stuff). Reading through these papers are not really "teaching" me anything new, but it helps to reMind me of Skills and things I already know about, but often forget to do/are too lazy to do/etc.
[Edit: I think I realized a decent part of my disStress. I've been having a real hard time see my primary (client) fall apart so much ("decompensate" in Tx talk) since our transition to Cummings. He and I both worked very, very hard to get him pretty stable (the most he'd been in several years). To see him falling apart--knowing that I can only do so much, because it is up to him to choose to fail or succeed--really, really hurts me. It prolly hurts him even more :-( I just need to Let Go (of my Expectations, etc.)--particularly on my days off!!!
So I did some Seething Energy Work (via Dancing in my living room to the god of deejays, DJ Tiesto), Centered, Grounded, Banished, & Shielded my ass. And reAdjusted the page from the Discordian coloring book that I've yet to finish that says
"The enLightened take things Lightly"
Indeed they Do.]