Mar 19, 2011 16:50
⊗ On Monday Vetinari begins to make moves to undo the stop on X-Gene travel, much to the distaste of anti-mutant activists. When asked about the dangers of allowing X-Gene carriers this right in an 'Age of growing terrorism', Vetinari calmly replies that he doubts they need to board a plane to cause trouble if that is indeed what they plan to do. It is also Flag Day!
⊗ On Wednesday local authorities announce that they have detained Doctor Farrell, no longer an employee at Tricell, and are questioning him. When pressed on whether Doctor Farrell, and in turn Tricell, may have been involved in the assassinations they declined to comment at this time. Tricell denies any knowledge of Farrell's intentions.
⊗ Over the Weekend the weather is absolutely glorious!
⊗ This week is also summer Restaurant Week, enjoy great food on a budget!
⊗ Summer holidays shenanigans continue!
⊗ On Wednesday an inter-homeroom water fight is organised for those still at the institute to take advantage of the fair weather. Cheating is anticipated, but discouraged.
⊗ Staff continue to investigate the intentions of Tolian Soran, who is looking shadier by the minute.
⊗ There will be a BBQ put on by catering at lunch on Friday, because everyone likes those.
⊗ Magneto is spotted at a local, and extremely exclusive restaurant attempting to take advantage of restaurant week. There is embarrassment all round when it is discovered he does not have a booking, and his cape gets caught in the door on the way out rather undermining his attempt to leave with some dignity.
⊗ Spends some time assisting at a retirement home as part of his community service after causing a large amount of property damage attempting to apprehend Doctor Spectrometer, a local villain who had been mixing reds into white washing at several laundromats in the area. It is suspected Wolverine himself may have been a victim of one of the attacks.
⊗ NOTE: If you have anything you wish to be in the news posts, for plots, ic things or just because you thought it'd be lulzy -- you can email your ideas to xavierinstitutemods at gmail!
⊗ Staff plot continues! If you want your staff member to take part, they can. There is room for fightery types and non-fightery types alike.
⊗ Summer holidays! You are welcome to log any outside-institute things your characters get up to of course ♥
⊗ As ever, this post is open for talking about what's going down for Xavier Institute classes, homeroom group meetings, Brotherhood shenanigans, etc. We do encourage people to thread classes, group activities, etc. where possible rather than just handwaving all of them, but if you don't want to do a thread or you want to plan something or w/evs, this is the place!