GAME UPDATE: Sunday January 3rd 2010

May 02, 2010 00:16

⊗ On Monday, Senator Nero Verus announces the large donation he has made to the mutant advocacy group We Are Normal for the construction of their shelter for mutants. The reactions of his supporters range from approval to criticism for the observation that he appears to be backpedaling; however, his approval ratings have gone up in the mutant community of New York.

⊗ The whole crew of an oil platform off Australia is reported infected with the influenza-like disease for which Boulder City, Nevada was quarantined some weeks ago.

⊗ BACK TO SCHOOL THIS WEEK! Lessons don't start until Wednesday, January 6th, but students who have been home for winter break start arriving back at the Institute from Sunday 3rd onwards! Many of them will find their rooms have been moved over break. CHECK THE DORMS PAGE to make sure you know who your character's roommate is/what room they're in.

⊗ The snow has let up, but the cold weather is keeping it on the ground. Expect blustery winds and a few overcast days.

⊗ After docking on Friday, the Bromarine sets out for Genosha. They're expected to reach their destination during the coming week.

⊗ Hecka training will be happening this week. Magneto is anticipating some heavy-duty fightan to be going on in the near future. Be prepared.

Fights a tiger, except afterwards the tiger decides to adopt him as its own. Extensive grooming occurs. His sideburns are, apparently, particularly lickable.

⊗ HI, NEW PEOPLE. Sorry if you're waiting for new mentor group assignments; we've still got a fair amount of apps to go through so that's gonna be a little while, but we should both be done with apps and have sorted out mentor groups by Wednesday! KEEP YOUR EYES SKINNED!

⊗ IN CASE YOU MISSED IT, there have been some changes to how xi_online works: it is hecka important that you check them out here.

⊗ As ever, this post is open for talking about what's going down for Xavier Institute classes, mentor group meetings, etc., as well as Brotherhood training sessions and similar. We do encourage people to thread classes, mentor group activities, etc. where possible rather than just handwaving all of them, but if you don't want to do a thread or you want to plan something or wevs, this is the place!


game update

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