I was bored.

Jun 20, 2005 03:01

Got a name?Everyone does

Tell it to me? Shayna
Want to change it? not really, it's unique
What time is it? 2:40 p.m.
Why are you taking this survey? im bored, so i stole it from Chels

Abortion? It's your choice

Same sex marriages? I <3 gay people
War in Iraq? I don't think our soldiers should be getting killed still.
Death penalty? if you deserve it
Illegal immigration? They should be kicked out
War on drugs? idk.
God?  uhh, you choose your relgion, i really don't like this issue thing

Pick Your Poison.
Red/Blue: blue
Japan/China: China
More guns/More armor: more armor
Attack/Defend: Attack.
Plant/Animal: Animal.
Invent/Discover: Discover.
Cook/Bake: bake.
French beer/German wine: French beer
Drunk/Stoned: drunk
Gun/Sword: Sword.
Rapier/Katana: ?
Knife in your back/Sword in your face: sword in my face
Eat/Drink: drink
Tank/Airplane: airplane.
Gasoline/Petrol: gas.
Gas/Diesel: gas.
Air/Water: air
Dawn/Dusk: Dusk
Have your body fall apart but keep your mind/lose your mind, keep your body: the first one
Slap/Punch: Punch.
Life in prison/Death: Death
Pen/Pencil: Pen.
Dumb/Ignorant: Dumb
Mouse/Keyboard: keyboard

Your body is a temple
Best feature: eyes
Worst flaw: everything.
Got any birth defects? no

How much can you bench press? idk i've never tried to figure out but probably like 4 pounds
The furthest you've walked in a day? no idea.
Most calories you've burned in a day? uhh, who keeps track of this crap at our age?
What would you change about your appearance? everything.
Do people compliment your body? no, well some people on my boobs
Are they telling the truth? people have, but not all the time.
Do you believe them? nope
What's your opinion on plastic surgery? if you really have the money to waste on it then go for it
Got any scars? plentyy
From what? uhh, falling down alot

Tough Questions
Would you lay down your life for a stranger? not a stranger
Friend? yeh
Terminally ill friend? of course.
If someone died to protect you, how would you feel? sad because they died and i didn't
Are all my questions about death and violence creepy? no

Tell me your favorite ...
Drink: soda
Alcoholic drink: vodka/smirnoff
Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Junk food: Reeses
Plant: Roses
Animal: Puppies
Element (classical): ..
Element (periodic): ..
Country: United Kingdom
Weapon: i dont have a favorite?
Color: pink and blue
Car: corvette
Holiday: christmas

How many tracks are on your computer? I just deleted all of them :(
How many are legal? ..
Do the Red Hot Chili Peppers kick ass? not for me
How about Rage Against the Machine? nope
Do blonde slutty types count as artists? no?
What do you think of rap? i like it, well some of it
Country? uhh, some songs are ok?
Techno? no.
Gregorian chants? what?
What's the oldest song you like? 80s songs.
Favorite radio station? 104.1/98.5
If you formed a group, what would you call it? That involves too much thinking :x

What do you play? I sing :)
Do your members die to drugs, murder, etc. or fade into obscurity? drugs
Can you plan an instrument for real? nope.
What do you think of banjos? it reminds me of  Cotton eye Joe er whatever song that is
Harmonicas? reminds me of the blues.
Spoons???? uhh, your weird

Morbid Stuffs
Suicidal? i try not to be?
Recently? no
Assume you die right now. Who cares the most? probably my dog, because everyone else wants me to die anyways
What do you want done with your remains? cremated
Would anyone be happy? everyone
Last words? i'd sing to whoever was around
Going by your family history, what are you most likely to die from? heart attack
If you were terminally ill, would you just end it? if there was no hope
Do people who are brain dead count as alive? i guess?

The Mandatory Opposite Gender (or whatever you prefer) Section
Got a BF/GF? nope
Wish you did? yehh
Preferred eye color? green or blue
Hair color? dirty blond
Height? Taller than me.
Age? 15-17
Body type? It doesnt matter.
Smarter than you/dumber than you? Smarter
Too reserved/too forward? neither
Too distant/too clingy? Inbetween.
Would you feel odd if they gave you a racy picture of themselves? whats racy?.
How bout a nude one? i'd laughhh

Make a flag for yourself. What's it look like? colorful
Is your computer worth more than your car? i dont have a car, so then yeh i guess so
Tell me your three most expensive possessions: computer, fish tank, and uhh my bed
Three most valued? Computer, bed, and uhh computer
How much money could you get your mitts on in 24 hours? quite a bit
Can you tell I'm a guy from these questions? nope.
Do you care? no
Am I a depressed, morbid, violent wreck? most likley
Do you think I care what you say? nope, not at all
Have you ever gone a day without food? yes
Sleep? yeah
Water? nope
Waking up? nope.
Talking? no

All Good Things Must Come to an End
What time is it now? 2:58
How long did you spend on my masterpiece? 18 minutes
Was it worth it? sure, why not

Okay, I Lied, More Questions
If you ran into a copy of yourself, would you be friends? id laugh at how ugly she is

Do you like maple syrup? yeh
How about blueberries? yehhhh
When was the last time you tried a new food? uhh, idk
Did you like it? dont remember
Are mistranslations funny? if i'm thinking of the right thing, then yeh sometimes

Wizard/Sorceror: wizard.
Axe/Sword: sword.

I know you have a blog(if you dont, lie for my amusement)
How often do you post? when my comp. lets me
About what? what went on that day/weekend/week
What color is the background? checkered
How many people read it? prolly noone
What service do you use? livejournal.
How many posts do you have? a bunch.
Do you write differently than you talk? nope.
What's the most comments you've gotten on one post? idk
Why do you keep a blog? for something to do.

Ending For Real This Time
Did this survey suck? no
How many spelling errors did you find? i wasnt keeping track?
Farewell and adieu: adios
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