Apr 14, 2005 10:36

I am definatley not one to tell people to stop smoking. I don't care if you smoke, I don't care if you get cancer, and I really don't care if you die.

But if you can't quit for any other reason do it for the fact of not giving YOUR money to an evil corporation.

I know that sounds PUNKXCORE, but it is true. I would highly recomend that anyone who reads this post and who smokes(or doesnt smoke, it doesn't really matter) get a copy of "A Question Of Intent" by David Kessler. It's a book i'm reading for my comp2 class right now written by the former commisioner of the FDA.

It gives an in-depth story of the case made by the FDA on the tobacco industry.
The book didn't scare me out of smoking, or make me hate ciggarettes, it just made me realize how many rich, seedy, self-absorbed white men are behind the industry. It's not that they try to make ciggarettes bad for you, they just don't care if they are, and they(the industry) will do anything(I mean ANYTHING) to hide their intent, so they can take YOUR money.

and with that.....Im gonna go have a ciggarette. ha
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