Movie Script!

Mar 21, 2009 22:30

Character Sheet/General Plot

Traci: As the leader of the group, she is the more serious of the two, but she has her share of sarcastic and witty remarks. But she knows when to be serious and she keeps her partner in line. She makes the strategies and she leads them into their jobs. She has a bad temper and can sometimes be a little hard on Allison. She has a dark history that haunts her but she has not told anyone except Allison about it.

Allison: Allison is the goofier, not-take-things seriously partner. She is the type of person that needs someone like Traci to keep her in line, 'cause if she didn't have her, she would have probably been dead a long time ago. Without a leader, she would be lost. Easily persuaded, she follows Traci almost blindly. Occasionally, she'll try to put in her own suggestions, but is usually shut down. She doesn't really care though. At first.

Eva Le'Wun: She is the villain of the story. She covers her face with a mask, and she wants nothing more than to destroy Traci and Allison. She is very manipulative, and she means business.

Deval: One of Eva's henchmen. He/she dresses like a devil. He/she hates the other henchman and they fight very often.

Angie: The other henchman. Dresses like an dark angel. Also hates the other henchman and they fight all of the time.

Wolfen Sheepsclothing: A spy for Eva. He/she deceives Traci and Allison and befriends them. Their mission: to sabotage Traci and Allison and get them to Eva.

General plot: Traci and Allison are not your normal detectives. They are demon-hunters. They find and destroy all demons and dark creatures. They have a very successful private business, and they are hardworkers. But their business is threatened as more and more demons keep popping up everywhere. Their work is beginning to be too much to the duo, and they know they are going to have to take on more members to their group.

They bring Wolfen onto the team; they are wary of him/her at first, but they gain trust as time goes on. The thing is, their moves are being predicted every step of the way; everything they do, they are intercepted. They believe they are starting to lose their touch. Is it just a coincidence or is someone working against them?

Scene One.

- Lone figure standing over a grave with a bouqet of roses. All we see is the back of her; she's wearing dark clothing. Wind is blowing. Camera zooms in from behind her to a close-up of the grave. Music "Sound of Silence" is playing in the background. Shot of ground, bouqet of roses being placed on the ground in slow motion; figure turns and walks out of the graveyard. As she leaves the graveyard, reveal the face as Traci. She stops, looks back, then turns. Facing back toward the camera -

Traci: Well, enough of that shit. - Continues walking; "Move Along" starts playing. She gets in her car, drives off. As credits roll, just different shots of her driving as the music plays. Song fades out as she parks her car at the 'business' and walks inside. Their small business is run out of Traci's garage at her house. As the garage opens, it reveals Allison sitting at a desk doing paperwork. She looks up from her work. -

Allison: Back already?

Traci: - Walks in, takes off her coat and throws it to the side. - Yeah, well. Putting roses on a grave never took anyone very long.

Allison: - mumbles - And yet you still do it during business hours.

Traci: What?

Allison: - quickly - Nothing! Nothing. You, ugh, you just seem to be home faster every day, you know what I'm saying?

Traci: - chuckles - The dead aren't coming back to life, my friend. - As she's talking, she's walking around the desk, looking over Allison's shoulder. - I'm glad to see you working on... - sees what's on paper, snatches it up off of the desk - doodles. Where's all of the paperwork on that last demon?

Allison: Um. On the other side.

Traci: - Flips paper over, sees all of the doodles all over the document - Ah. Well. This simply won't... - Alarm goes off; "Bring It" starts playing along with it. - We'll talk about this later. - Jump into action. Both go over, put on coats, and stand in front of the garage as it opens. Camera is on the garage from the outside as it opens, revealing both of them. Garage should be open by the time the words start.

Traci and Allison dance to the first verse. At the chorus, they run to the car and get inside. Start driving while swaying to the beat of the music. At second verse, car should be pulled to a stop, and they both get out, and start looking around as if trying to find their target. Stick around car as they look around, lip-syncing. They spot something, point over-dramatically, and as the second chorus starts, they get into the car and start driving again.

As the climax of the song happens, the girls find their target. There is a demon in the middle of the street [decide costume later] and he/she is attacking a civilian [old woman? random person?]. Traci pulls the car to a stop and she and Allison jumped out of the car, slamming the doors and running toward the perpetrator. They attack him/her together, saving the citizen. Fight scene must be short and choreographed like a dance. Save citizen, and walk off together down the street as the citizen waves to them from behind.

End Scene One.

Scene Two.

- Allison and Traci sitting in Chick-fil-a at a table eating, discussing strategy. -

Traci: You have to watch your own back out there too sometimes, Alley. I can't babysit you through every fight. I have to do my own thing too.

Allison: Yeah, sorry about that. I just got so distracted! I promise it won't happen aga- oh look at that bird!

Traci: - shakes her head, laughs. Allison chuckles too. - You are one of a kind, kid. - continues eating -

Allison: So I was thinking. Maybe next time I could drive, ya know? I realized the other day that I haven't driven us anywhere at all since...

Traci: Nugget? - offers chicken nugget -

Allison: No thanks. But yeah, it just seems needless for you to waste all of your gas all of the...

Traci: Fry? - offers fries -

Allison: - pauses - No, I have my own. That's not the only thing though. Why am I always the one doing all of the paper...

Traci: Need a refill?

Allison: - hesitates - Yeah, that actually sounds good. - hands Traci her drink. Traci walks out of camera shot. Allison sits there awkwardly, looking around the area, out the window. She taps her fingers on the table nervously as she waits. Traci comes back on camera; sits down. -

Traci: Alright, what were you saying? - Keeps eating -

Allison: I ever going to get a chance to...

Traci: - cell phone rings. answers it. - Talk to me....yeah....uh-huh...alright. We'll be right there. - closes phone - Finish up fast. We gotta work. - starts eating faster -

Montage of scenes: Traci and Allison defeating demons, getting their picture taken by press. News stories talking about them. etc. etc. Set the the song "Taking Care of Business"

Scene Three.

End with news story coverage; two anchors talking about them on a TV. As their next lines are spoken, the camera is slowly panning out, revealing the back of a chair facing the TV.

Anchor 1: Well, I guess we can rest easy knowing that Traci and Allison are out there saving the day.

Anchor 2: You said it, Susan. In other news...

- Fist slams down on the arm of the chair, clenched and shaking. A loud human growl is heard followed by deep, scratchy breaths. -

Eva's Voice: They must be stopped. - Chair spins around; camera switches to the back; still can't see the figure. The two henchmen are standing like soldiers, awaiting orders. - Carry everything out as planned. I will not tolerate any mistakes tonight! GO! - Henchmen nod. Walk off; Deval tries to trip Angie on the way out. Chair spins back around to face TV. We see Traci's face on the TV. Eva touches the screen.- We meet again...old friend.

End Scene.

Scene Four.
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