Yeahanotheroneofthese [OPEN]

Aug 29, 2010 00:32

Characters: Matthew. everyone else. if you want.
Location: omg where do you think. the kitchen :|
Time: Any time from 9 pm to 6 am. HE WILL NOT BE THWARTED BY YOUR CURFEWS
Content: Cooking. Worrying. cooking to stop worrying. pancakes. omnomnom
Format: uuugh starting in prose but whaaatever you want. I do action more but I feel wordy
Warnings: None yet?

Matt silently poured out circles of batter and waited, nudging the edges of the pancakes to check them and tapping his foot quietly. It was late already and he could tell what was going to happen. He would cook for hours. It was okay, he didn't think when he cooked and knowing this school, people would pop in and out despite the whole curfew thing. It hardly stopped anyone before, it wouldn't stop them now.

"If Al were here, Curfew Club would probably be doing something." He gave the pancakes a look and hesitantly made a little motion as if to flip the pancake. But that might be a waste really, so he turned it with his spatula and waited some more. Thrilling really. At least the tea would be ready soon. And then he could start on that lasagna he wanted to try.

[[OOC: Someone put him to bed guys, Al is not here to force him to :c ]]

matthew williams, !!open, naruto uzumaki, len kagamine, caesar silverberg

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