(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 00:09

"You brighten up my day for come to work. I make you happy for today."

"en Hosea inglés. ¿Usted aprendió para mí?"
"In english Hosea. You learned for me?" I was as shocked as he was.

"Yes" He didnt seem proud but humble for what ever reason he didnt think much of what he had accoplished in just learning those words.

¿"cuál es éste?"
"What is this?" I looked down at his hand and saw written on it, "You brighten up my day for come to work. I make you happy for today." He must have been practicing the whole way to work because the writting was smuged and almost illegible.

"nothing" But it was something. It was such a kind gesture that he made just saying it but the fact he had to write it and memorized it for me to hear today was truely a beautiful gesture.

"Oh, Hosea su autorización, usted la dijo maravillosamente"
"Oh, Hosea its okay you said it beautifully." I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek quickly so no one would really notice and we could keep our jobs. When i let go he took my hand in his and rubbed my top knuckles with his thumb smiling at me. I felt myself blush and felt in the long stem of a the carnation being put into my hand. I accepted it.
"thank you"

"De nada"
"you are welcome"

It was a pink carnation. I put it under the counter so that no one would question it and left it for the day sitting there glancing at it all day smiling inside where no one could see that either. I knew by the end of the day it would be dead but i was enjoying it now.

I made the salads quickly, wrapped them quicker, and threw them in the refridgerator for the day. All day Daniel didnt acknowlege me too much but it was for the best i was busy and so was he. Well i pretended to be busy. While i was not doing any thing between 4 and 5 i worked on a poem. Rereading it now i forget exactly what it was about.


Passion a word that seems to have escaped you.

You work a job you hate becuase it pays well. You stay because nothing matters to much not even your passion.

You date and marry a woman you dont love becuase thats the thing to do nowadays. You must love her becuase you sleep with her. But you dont you have your eyes on the bigger prize. You do it because it dosent matter, nothing matters not even loves passion.

You listen to music but you never hear what its telling you. You hear the parts that you feel are easy targets for critisizim. You never listen for the heart and sould behind the words. It dosent matter not even the passion.

You watch a movie but you dont comprehend the meaning of underlying topic, you only judge it on its special effects. The point of the movie dosent matter not even the passion.

There is no passion and you dont care.

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