this would be a hilarious halloween party

Oct 30, 2005 19:52

XhurttodeepX's Halloween party:

_tiphareth_ dressed as a zombie.

amentina202 dressed as Herbert Hoover.

cloud_sephiroth dressed as the Governor of Missouri.

daaavey dressed as a new superhero: Dynamo Wombat.

ddrninja dressed as a moist fusion, though it looked more like Drew Barrymore's sister.

esbp47 dressed as Yoda.

fear_alchemist dressed as Comic Book Guy.

hawaiigirl988 gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a buffalo.

magicksyren dressed as a Level 9 barbarian.

miseryinchaos dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Mad Magician.

spsdavidschik dressed as the King of Singapore.

trajik2505 dressed as the Marquis of Unidicksas.

twinkletoes66 dressed as Paris Hilton.

x_gluttony_x dressed as Meatwad.

xhurttodeepx dressed as Janeane Garofalo.

yay_gackt dressed as Elton John.

yokotheassassin dressed as Chekov from "Star Trek".

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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