& i know that's all you could care about..

Sep 25, 2005 15:08

& no reason why i should try to go on anymore
my reason's all gone, no reason why you should
try to make excuses to make me feel alright
excuses call for stupid reasons
& i know that it's not much that i can offer right now
just give me one little second and i will try my hardest
to make you feel like i'm someone else.

i have a headache.

so this week went alright i guess. i feel like im not me anymore. like im watching myself go through the motions of everyday life? yeah doesnt make much sense to me either.

coach gave me highlights thursday. i liek them.

game friday. against plymouth. we lost in overtime..by three fucking points. im pissed. now we're 4-1. oh well we're still gonna kick ass this season. fuckers.

my sister's 18th birthday was friday. happy birthday sistra. i lov eyou. she came home yesterday. family came over for her party. lyndsay came over. i was pissed last night tho cuz jenni got to leave her own party but my mom woulnt let me and lyndsay go to the movies with victoriaa. how effing gay. but yeah lyndsay stayed the night. went to bed around 2 something. maria and whoever stopped by so lyndz could give maria a skirt or wutever..saw my puppy. they loved pudgy, but i wasnt surprised..everybody does of course. he's just my baby. i guess he couldnt poo friday night and he cried when he tried. so my dad took him to the vet..but yeah. he's fine now. =)

hah lyndsay cleaned my room last night..=) i helped of coursee.
wow and we watched candyman..how fucking scary oh mannnn. i DARE you to stand in front of a mirror and say candyman 5 times then shut off the lights. youll see wut happensss.

lyndsay left like a couple hours ago..jenni was supposta take me to baskin cuz we used to go all the time but she left for college. so yeahh. i miss her already. =\

yeah segment 2 starts tomorrow. til wednesday 430-630 at central. wwith lyndsay and erika. havent driven at all since ive had my permit. pretty much im screwed. and we cant afford to buy my car yet, cuz of the funeral and everything.

i didnt mean to start something in my last entry. sorry therese. im just kinda sorta very very sad about him still..i can't help it..

my head really hurts.

i need to get over this..

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