Jan 27, 2004 22:00
I hate New England. When there are 15 school cancellations because the temperature is "dangerously cold", you know that something isn't right. Yes, that is correct. 15 cancellations, yet I always end up stuck in Pre-Calculus with Hitler's wife. The Nashua School District is messed up.
My alarm sounded at 5:15 AM this cold, blistery morning. It took me until 5:27 to realize that I had to physically move to make the sound go away -not the ripest banana of the bunch, am I? Well, I had no intentions of disturbing the peaceful slumber I was engaged in. Yes, that's right. A Peaceful Slumber; one of very few lately. It's torture. Who invented school? Who thought of sitting in stuffy, infected classrooms at 7:30 in the morning would be enjoyable? Remind me to thank them.
Something about the way her face drags makes me feel sorry for her, yet good about myself. She is so happy about the fact that the square root of a squared number is that original number. And quadrants on a coordinate plane just drive her mad! Sad, isn't it? It is a sick, sad world out there....and we are all a part of it. Amen.
So, she was back in the hospital. I guess she tried to fly over the cookoo's nest, but missed and landed RIGHT in it. To me, this is just a pencil mark on another page in the book of my life. A pencil mark that I just erased. Good-bye. Come Friday when I enter the court room, I will make sure that I never have to see her again. Someone once told me that there are going to be certain people in life that will not like you, no matter how much effort you put into it. I am begining to realize how true this really is. And it sucks!
School sucks. Customers at Hudson Wal-Mart suck. On a positive note, family-life never gets boring. Work is more of a zoo than a store. Toothless, smelly people returning used condoms because "they didn't like the way they feel" make it worth living. This is what I live for.