Scenester Day...

Apr 20, 2005 12:57


"Along with their newly adopted attitude comes their newly adopted fashion, of course. There’s nothing that says intimidation or raw teenage angst better then a clothing pattern. I’ve seen kids that wear camo shorts everyday that act like they’ve been oppressed or have struggled throughout their life. Yeah, tough life guys, living with your parents in the suburbs. The biggest problem you’ve had to deal with was what video game system your dad was going to buy you next. Yet all of these jackasses talk the talk and dress up like GI Joe to prove to the world they’re no longer going to be silent and will stand their ground. It’s pretty annoying the kids at shows that act like their tough shit and take their pride to an extreme. When you’re 40 your 1” plugs, camo shorts and sleeve tattoos won’t hide the fact that you’re an imposter and never had an identity to call your own."

"Back in cave man days things weren’t as easy. If you wanted to prove to your tribe that you’re tough you really had to do something that took some balls. For instance, you’d take down a full grown wooly mammoth all alone. In front of a full crowd you would have to approach wooly and throw your hands in the air like you wanted to throw down. You'd pace back and forth punking wooly on occasion letting him know you mean business. Just when he turns his back you run up and stab him in the neck with a shank you made from bone. As wooly is struggling to figure out what the hell happened you climb onto his back jarring him even more. Just before he realizes what the fuck is going on you start gnawing into the back of his neck just to piss him off more. You ride wooly like bull until he finally passes out from blood loss. This is the kind of courageous act it took to earn respect from your peers back in the day. All of the kids that wear camouflage clothing religiously are bitches. Take on a wooly mammoth by yourself and then maybe i'll respect you, but for now you're still an asshole."
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