straight up... i know what i heard. i don't know where i can find you at everday or else i would've by now. Jill and liz say a lot of things i could care less about. i too cannot afford the absenses from school. the only people that know what happened were their. so pretty much you called me a slut and i'm pissed. i have no problem taking care of it alone if you could even manage that. so we can meet wherever you please so i can kick ur ass and get it over with. u can talk to me on aim and we can settle this if yor not a pussy. girlygirl8882001
OK!!! THATS ENOUGH! You are fucking embarrassing. This whole goddamn situation is EMBARRASSING. Seriously, who gives a goddamn shit about someone calling someone a bitch. Its a worrrd. All girls get called bitches some time in their life. Its not like she tore you up one side and down the other about your looks or started rumors or said shit about your boyfriend I mean hell, she didnt even call you a bitch. SO settle down because Kristine is one of my best friends and I have personally heard her say that she didnt have a problem with you whatsoever looooooooong before this ever happend. So calm down duder. It wil be alllllright. Come on...its not THAT hard to drop it.
Drama Drama Drama...You would think she would drop it but wow, she is a typical wanna-be hard ass. Like fighting is going to solve anything. Well all I can say is if it does happen, which I really hope it doesn't she will regret ever tryin g to get in your face.
Comments 8
I'm not, what you say, shaking in my boots over it...
I love you Kristen ♥
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