Oh my goddamn Jesus...

May 24, 2005 12:17

Hmm... so where shall I begin?

I love it when bitches(and I'm not saying "bitches" as an insult, it's what I call all females).. anyway, I love it when bitches who I don't give a goddamn fuck about accuse me of calling them shit that I never fucking did... getting up in my face like they're actually gonna DO something about it (laughs to self), then as soon as their little group of "friends" is gone, they don't say shit to me... nice.
So here's a piece of advice...
For one, don't make accu-fucking-sations about shit you don't know... I have no reason to call anyone I have never fucking spoen to a name
Secondly, ya gonna confront me? Fine. Do it to my face WHEN you THINK it happens... not after you run to your little group of friends to look like a hardass..
Third, don't fucking LIE to people and tell them that shit was said whe it never was... and dont be a dumbass and talk shit from ACROSS A DAMN ROOM/HALLWAY when you feel fucing cool cuz your friends are around...

Got a problem with me, deal with ME.
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