Wow. "I dig my life"; something I normally can't find myself saying. However, it feels good to be able to do so. I've got every reason in the world to now; I'm holding straight A's in school and that means that I have my parents off my back. Parents off my back means that I'm happy at home, which means that I can be nicer to people outside of the home. Derek just may be the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. He keeps me sane when people drive me nuts, and helps me out with everything. I honestly don't know where I'd be without him. Also, as stated in my last entry, I went to hang out with someone who I used to talk to a while back.
She picked me up with her cousin and we first went to the mall, not that I'm really much of a mall person but whatever. From there we went back to her cousin's house and whatnot then to a wrestling match because her cousin made us.. It smelled like sweaty man parts and skanky chicks. There was a goofy ref, snobby bitches, but some funny moments. Sarah dropped her keys from the top of the bleachers and we all crawled under them to go get em. It was sorta funny tho. She's a great girl and a lot of fun, not to mention beautiful and into fun eyeshadow like myself ;) I'm really glad that we're talking again. We are going to hang out again tomorrow if all goes according ot plan.
But other than that, nothing really new. I'll update tomorrow if at all possible. New schedule starting tomorrow although basically the same classes rearranged.
Later jerks. Xx.