What a day

Nov 27, 2004 19:59

Hey Guys! Today was pretty fun. I spent the night at Dani's house yesterday and we had mucho fun watching "The Breakfast Club.lol" Danielle also introduced me to this web site *Thanks sweet I <3 ya!* lol Well, today we went shopping for decorations for the Christmas party she's throwing. OMB Its going to be so awesome, I can't wait. I just got home like.. maybe.. an hour ago? We put up lights and went to Wally World to pick up her pictures from Halloween and so on. Those pictures are so funny! There's one of me officially named Bugs Bunny because I'm making probably the ugliest face in the world and my teeth look like sorta bucked out. lol We also spent like 3 hours making picture collages for her room because her dresser has like a glass covering and you can put stuff under it, Its really cool. It looks so nice now. Mom and Lauren put up the tree and all of the inside decorations. Man, I can't believe christmas is only 4 weeks away. I want those presents NOW! lol I'm a little tired of Thanksgiving 'togetherness' Sure, familys great, but a girl can only take so much! Well I going to let you all go; Lauren needs my assistance. More tomorrow!
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