stole from maf ;)

Aug 21, 2004 22:30

Height: 5'6''

Shoe size: 8/8 1/2

Hair color: blonde

Eye color: blue / green

Hair length: eh medium? lol

Siblings: THREE sisters.. yeah its hell haha

Nickname(s): kuse, kuski, babycakes? lol

Pets: carlotta... my doggy :)

[Have you ever:]

Tried a weight loss program?: noooope

Jumped on a trampoline?: uhh who hasnt? haha

Visited another country?: nope... kinda wnat to though

Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)?: psh yeah! i love coloring books! i need more though.

Had a bubble bath?: oh yeaaaah

Been on a plane?: most def

Been on a boat?: ooh yeah... every summer for a week straight haha

Been on a train?: yep

Been in an accident?: noo way

Ridden an elephant?: no but i want to!!!

Made a web page?: tried.

Played with Barbies?: ooo i love barbies... but my mom threw em all out haha... none of them had clothes or heads anyways. thanks to alex varga and my wonderful cousins

Stayed up all night?: yeeepp

Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean?: hahaha of course

Broken a bone?: my pinky finger in second grade haha... those damn potato sack races

Called a physic or sex hotline?: nuh uh but i wanna see a real psychic haha

Watched Jerry Springer?: yeah and its a waste of time haha

Been in the hospital (not visiting): nope

Gotten in trouble for talking in class? UMM HELLO?! derrr... i tend to have that problem quite often

Been afraid of the dark?: lol im STILL afraid of the dark.. im afraid of ghosts coming so whenever its dark my eyes are shut so i can see nothing otherwise im scared haha

Had stitches?: noopee

Dumped someone and regretted it?: yeah but it was only 7th grade lol

Fallen asleep in class?: HAHA YES!! history... 8th grade... yep travis always ahd to wake me up.. it was great... and who could forget freshman biology haha... my head fell out of my hand and smacked the desk.. rude awakening. haha

Used food for something other than eating?: lol YES my experiments hahahaha maf

Met a celebrity?: cant say that i have i dont think

Broken the law?: minorly i suppose

Hated yourself?: nuh uhhhh

Been brokenhearted?: uhh... not that i can remember... thats pathetic haha

Fell off a chair?: HAHAH ALLL THE TIME!! angels house like one of the first times hangin out with brett.. yeah im cool

Lap danced?: haha naaaww

Worn black nail polish?: yes but only cuz i was bored and it was sitting in front of me at krissys house lol

Hugged a tree?: sadly... yes... becuase im just THAT cool :)

Seen a ghost?:YTES AND IT WAS THE SCARIEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE! well.. next to getting caught bein sneaky and gettin chased by a naked drunk stephen haha

Seen an alien?: cant say that i have

Been dumped?: no... also pathetic

Hiked on a mountain?: HAHA yes! and in south dakota me and sam actually got LOST hiking on a mountain.. yeah not good.

Been cheated on?: nuh uh

Cheated on someone?: oops.

Played Monopoly?: haha i hate that game... it lasts for years

Lied to someone?: who hasnt?

Been arrested? naw... been searched for by an entire state of police though.

[Do you:]

Like to give hugs?: YES lol i love hugs

Like to walk in the rain?: YES!! lol i love rain and mudfights and bein out there with someone you love :)

Sleep with or without clothes on?: depends on what kind of mood im in haha... and if its hot or cold in my room

Prefer black or blue pens?: blue... blacks too boring for me. i like colors lol

Dress up on Halloween?: yeah but i dont think i will this year

Sleep on your side, stomach, or back?: side

Ever want to get married?: uhh..... YES that is like my biggest life goal and dream haha

Have any fish?: yep... ive had it since 2nd grade.... youd think it woulda croaked by now

Ever have a falling dream?: yeah haha nd i end up on the floor

Have stuffed animals?:yes... THUMPER!

Go on vacation?: of course... twice a summer

Believe in horoscopes?: naw not really

Like your handwriting?: sometimes

Like cartoons?: ROCKET POWER!!

Believe in the devil?: no... gods supposed to forgive everyone for everything... so a hell and a devil dont seem like theyd really exist..

Have any tattoos?:GOD I WISH

Have any piercings?: zeeerooo

Own a miniskirt?: sadly.. yes haha

Use big words to sound smart?: lol i use big words when i know them.

Have a magic 8 ball?: nope

See dead people?: nuh uh

Believe in fate?: of course!

Like children?: yes i love kids :)

Ever steal anything from hotels?: woops... is that illegal?

Believe in ghosts?: grr i hate them and yes i do

Aliens?: im scared of them lol

Wish you could live somewhere else?: nope... love it here

Want (more) piercings?: yes

Want (more) tattoos?: YES

Like cleaning?: sometimes i'll get in those moods

Like roller coasters?: OOH YEAH

Write in cursive or print?: print

Like candles?: oh yah!

Like the taste of blood?: ew icky bad

Believe in love?: derrr

Believe in soul mates?: yeah

Believe in God?: mmhmm :)


Who do you admire?: lots of people in their ways haha

What's the one place you want to visit before you die?: SOUTH KOREA

What kind of shampoo do you use?: the blonde one or coconut suave :)

Where is the farthest place you've traveled?: uhh... california haha

What's your lucky charm?: nothing

What is the latest you've ever stayed up til? all niggght


Most time spent with?: haha in the last month or so... prolly cait or angel

Funniest?: angel

Smartest?: ((ooo im caitlins smartest :) )) for me.. angel

Strongest?: ...ehhhh... one of the boys lol

Knows you the best?: hmm... brett stephen angel krissy or cait id have to say lol hard to say

Most outgoing?: uhh... brett?

Most shy?: angel around certain people haha... krissy too around certain people

Biggest flirt?: HAHA...

Best eyes?: caitlin

If you were stranded on a desert island with one of your friends, who would it be?: someone that i wouldnt get sick of and that would entertain me


What has been the best day of your life so far: probably the day my whole stephen/brett issue was resolved haha

What do you usually think about before you go to sleep: things that make me happy :)

What do you regret the most in your life so far?: nothing

If you could do anything without consequences, what would you do?: ooooo man waaaaaay too many things to list.. and if i listed them people would think bad things of me lol

What is something your looking forward to doing in the upcoming month?: hmmmm.... BOWLING STARTING :) lol thats like my favorite thing outta the whole year

What are you really afraid of?: dying and ghosts

[In the past 24 hours, have you:]

Had a serious conversation?: yeah

Hugged someone?: of course

Fought with a friend?: nope

Cried?: nope

Laughed?: of course lol i spent the whole day either with krissy or with brett

Made someone laugh?: lol i tend to do that

Bought something?: clothes and krissys belt haha

Missed someone?: yep


Movie you rented or watched?: lilo and stitch ahah

Movie you bought?: ha dont even remember

Song you listened to?: some lonestar song

Song that was stuck in your head?: lonestar... amazed

CD you bought?: dont remember lol

CD you listened to?: ashlee simpson

Person you called?: stephen haha

Person that called you?: brett

TV show you watched?: hmmm.. cheers!

Person you were thinking of?: hmm.. brett

[Do you agree with:]

Premarital sex?: lol if thats the person ur sure ur gonna spend the rest of ur life with... otherwise.. not so much


Food?: chinese!

Song?: father of mine... everclear... yep thats def now2 material haha

Sport?: dance and bowling :)

Drink?: some kidn of alcoholic beverage id have to say lol

Clothes?: AnF clothes and Hollister FO sho

Movie?: haha i dont really know

Band/singer?: i like it all

CD?: i dunno

Disney movie?: LILO AND STITCH!! god i LIVEE for that movie lol

Scent?: that crush stuff krissy has

Guy name?: Riley... Adam... Aden

Girl name?: Corrinne... Chelsea Taylor (hahaha to anyone who knows anything about that)

Color?: purple... derrr

Flower?: purple roses... i saw them at jewel once and i got suuuper excited :)



Store?: A n f and hollister and pac sun and the mac store have we not been through this lol

Vacation spot?: cali baby :)

Ice cream flavor?: mint chocolate chip :)

Fruit?: watermelon ghaha maf

Vehicle?: '67 vette oooh man to die for haha

Holiday?: xmas

Month?: june :)

Season?: summer and fall

Day of the week?: satturrday

Magazine?: eh who knows

TV show?: real world baby... or quintuplets... or that 70s show... hard pick lol

Radio station?: **103.5 or 99.5 haha**

Animal?: MONKEYS... except for those nasty killer gorillas

Quote?: oy i cant even begin to decide lol

Shoes?: my frilly crazy flip flops... well kastis

Meat?: chicken :)

Pizza topping?: **cheese**

State?: cali

City?: ooo... id have to say downtown chi :)

Feeling?: when ur just laying there with someone you know loves you... its amazing

Number?: hmmm 14
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