Mar 11, 2006 15:02
People disgust me. I think I could just barf right about now.
if you lose your one and only
theres always room here for the
dont watch your broken dreams
dance in and out of the beams
of a neon moon
Good song. Yeah. I feel like talkint ot people, in person. Im refusing phone calls at the moment. Yeah, this is not a good thing at all.
I had a really wierd dream last night. Me and Eric n Scotty and Brittney were all together. And we were in this house, and it was empty. But there was a little girl, in a light pink dress. She was prolly about 10, with half her brown hair pulled up. I remember it vividly. The house was a ranch, the hardwood floors were bare. We went into the basement. It wasnt empty. There was random junk, I remember a lamp ofr soem reason. The kitchen was old, seventies colors. Like orange and yellow. And for some reason we decided that we had to blow up the house. So eric and scotty dump gasoline all over the basement. Then light a match. We go upstairs. Parts of the house start blowing up. We all ended up trapped in the laundry room, really scared and just like huddled up in a group. Somehow we all got out. At first I didnt think eric n scotty had made it. Cuz we found there white etnies, with the red etnies symbol on the side. Then suddenly eric n scotty come running out, in socks. And then house blows up as we all dive into the grass. Then we see the little girl walking out from the ruins. She was a ghost, this whole time.
It was really strange. And I remember it. Like a lot. Certain things. I remember in color and everything. Wierd.