I haven't told Jason this yet, I haven't told my mother this yet, I haven't told anyone in my family this yet, but my sister will see this here, my mother will find out tomorrow, and Jason some time after that.
They're creating a new rating in the coast guard, IS (Intelligence Specialist) and they're trying to get people from mostly the OS rate to go into this new rate. After talking with quite a few people, I'm putting in my application for it, I'm trying to go for it and do this new branch of work, where it will be stressful, but it wouldn't be the same type of stress. My paranoia will come in handy when working this kinda job, I just hope I can get it. The reason this is so extroadinary for me, is that there are only three places that as an IS you can go; Suitland, Maryland; Alameda, California; and then the one I want to go to....
Virginia Beach, Virginia.
This time next year, I'll be alittle bit closer to home. If things work out, me Jason and a nameless roommate are going to rent out a house and do the things we planned on doing when I originally thought about going home the first time. I just hope all of this pans out, and I can get this job.
Whenever I watch a movie or TV show that has a funeral scene, I get flashes in my head of my mother dying, of my step father calling me or my sister. It's my only fear in life right now, that phone call when I'm far away someone telling me that my greatest anchor in life had died. I have dreams about it, and it's starting to bother me, I just don't know what to think right no