(no subject)

Jul 21, 2006 08:35

♥ Name:
Tricia Anne Taylor

♥ Age:

♥ Sex:

♥ Location:
Springfield, MA.

♥ 3 favorite bands and why:
Something corporate- Andrew Mcmahon isn't JUST a fine piece of ass but his lyrics can mean so much to one person. His lyrics move me in a way that no other bands have. His lyrics and his melody memorize me and I have been listening to them since I was 9 and I couldn't picture a day without their music.
Hollywood Undead- These guys are hilarious. They are scene/emo kids that accept themselves for who they are and they make fun of it. Plus they are seven crazy white guys running around in masks rapping.
Saves the day- He is a genius and lyrical poet.
♥ What is your favorite non-emo band?:
Dem Franchise Boyz-!

♥ 3 favorite movies and why:
Benny and Joon- I find the littlest parts in this movie historical.
Crash- Intense Drama and based on real life with such great actors.
Tristen and Isolede- New age Romeo and Juliet just what our generation needs.

♥ 3 favorite books and why:
"The Night Trilogy: Night; Dawn; the Accident" by Elie Wiesel these books are about a hope of finding a brighter tomorrow and going through endless amounts of pain and suffering to feel safe again.
"American Hardcore: A Tribal History" by Steve Blush A book based on other views of straight edge and the hardcore music scene in the 1980's. Great Quotes and amazing pictures.
"Revelation on Canvas" Amazing poetry.

♥ Describe yourself in 5 words:
Funny. Short. Simple. Artistic. Outgoing.

♥ Comedy or drama?:

♥ Acoustic or Electric?:

♥ Do you play any instruments?:
Yes. I play bass and I am learning Keyboard.

♥ If you could jump into a pool filled with anything, what would be in the pool?:

♥ What is your favorite thing about the emo genre?:
"The everybody hates you because your emo go kill yourself" Stereotypical comments from the "hardcore kids."

♥ Pick a random emo quote:
"If I had known that all these roads lead to you I would've crashed this car."

♥Mountain Dew or Pepsi?
Mountain Dew

♥What's your favorite indie film?
Tully! Such a great film. It's always on the Sundance channel if you would like to check it out.

♥The best romance ever was....
On screen or that I saw?
-The best Romance on screen was The Notebook.
-And off screen was between my Mother and my Father.

♥Hottest old rockstar ever :
Eddie Money!

♥Who is your hero? Why?
My sister Tina is my hero. She has ALWAYS been my role model and has always been there for me through everything, after my mother and father passed away she has been an amazing "adult authority" and an amazing sister.

♥Show us a random picture.

♥ Entertain Us.Show us a poem/short story, song, drawing, or even just a joke:
Steal This line
"Bleached shirt, Faded jacket, torn pants. I wear blood on my chest and a burden around my neck. The truth is to hard to tell. The lie is to hard to find.
The wine stain on your sleeve makes me think you are not the same person that I met. You contradict yourself and the lies they leave you blind.
Please keep the tape rolling and the music playing. The music fills the air I can feel your smooth hand on my knee.
Tell me what you think won't hurt. Fold me up and put me back on the shelf. Empty pages, torn sleeve, dusty cover, reoccurring dreams. "

♥ Why do you want to be in this community?
Because unlike Every other community this one actually has life to it.

♥♥ Promote this community in at least one other community and provide us with a direct link.


Show us up to 5 pictures of yourself that you enjoy.
*If you photoshop your images...please just give us at least one normal picture.

Jess Costa and Myself!


The typical Myspace Pose.!

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