Cute when you scream~~

Jun 04, 2006 18:51

♥ Name: Jax (aka Jackie or Jaki)

♥ Age: 17, but turning 18 in four days ^___^

♥ Sex: Femmy

♥ Location: On my futon in the middle of nowhere. Haha, actually PA. ^.~

♥ 3 favorite bands and why: I'm gonna assume that you mean favorite emo bands due to the next question. O_o;; Death Cab for Cutie because I love their sound/lyrics and I love the lead singer. Brand New because I love their sound. ♥ Lastly, Eisley since they're really soothing music -- I like it. ^_^

♥ What is your favorite non-emo band?: Muse, but I recently found a liking for The Fray.

♥ 3 favorite movies and why: "Moulin Rouge", I just watched it recently and OMG, I LOVE IT... in general, I love musicals but this one just brings me to tears every time. "The Nightmare Before Christmas" because I'll never get too old for it and Tim Burton is an amazing director. Also "Rent" because once again I'm a big musical geek and I thought this was very well done (and the story behind it is beautiful).

♥ 3 favorite books and why: The Great Gatsby because it's a wonderful work of classic literature and to this day it's still my favorite. The Harry Potter series since I'm a huge HP nerd ^^; I especially love the third and sixth book. :o) And I love Othello because I think it's one of Shakespeare's best works.

♥ Describe yourself in 5 words: Reticent, shy, kind, organized, and loyal.

♥ Comedy or drama?: A bit of both actually, but more comedy.

♥ Acoustic or Electric?: Electric.

♥ Do you play any instruments?: I used to play piano but I stopped. Yet my mum asked me the other day if I wanted to take up an instrument this summer -- I've been thinking between the clarinet, saxophone, or trumpet.

♥ If you could jump into a pool filled with anything, what would be in the pool?: Chocolate pudding. Not sure why though... XP

♥ What is your favorite thing about the emo genre?: It's really kind relaxing in my opinion. When I'm angry and such I'd rather not listen to someone I can barely understand... I like to sing along to my music. ^_^

♥ Pick a random emo quote: "Then looking upwards I strained my eyes and try to tell the difference between shooting stars and satellites from the passenger seat as you are driving me home"

♥Mountain Dew or Pepsi? Mountain Dew

♥What's your favorite indie film? Possibly "Garden State".. but I know I've seen a better indie film... just can't remember the name of it.

♥The best romance ever was.... Satine/Christian.

♥Hottest old rockstar ever : Does Anothy Kiedis count? XD He's very sexy.

♥Who is your hero? Why? My mum just because she's always been there for me and I will always look up to her. She's been through so much and I'll be lucky one day if I get even half of the strength she has.

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♥ Entertain Us.Show us a poem/short story, song, drawing, or even just a joke:

♥ Why do you want to be in this community? It seems like a lot of fun and I enjoy rating communities. ^_^

♥♥ Promote this community in at least one other community and provide us with a direct link. Yay for promoting!


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