
Feb 06, 2006 21:07

Hell by Squirrel Nut Zippers
Because it's catchier than, like, anything.. I have to admit, I'm really into the way the music sounds like it could be from the 40's because of the jazziness and the lyrics. I love old music, especially old music from the 40's.
And a part of it's like Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani, but better.
The D and the A and the M and the N and the A and the T and the I-O-N.
Best lyrics. Evar.

Jack's Lament by Danny Elfman, from the film the Nightmare Before Christmas
Actually, I want to say all of the songs from the Nightmare Before Christmas. Because Danny Elfman is an indisputable God in my world. If he can write amazing soundtracks and still have time to do the vocals for Bonejangles (Corpse Bride) and Jack Skellington (TNBC), then he deserves admiration.
And listening to Jack's Lament just fin

Hurt by Nine Inch Nails
Even though it's actually more emo-ee than most emo band songs I know of. The only thing that makes it un-emo is the fact that it's Trent Reznor who sings it.
I guess it's a great song to listen to when you're feeling worthless. End.

I'll Be That Girl by Barenaked Ladies
Another very very sad song made un-emo only due to the fact that it's sang by Barenaked Ladies. I guess when I first heard the song, all of the lyrics made perfect sense to me.
The song describes how a guy feels about a girl, and how she'd be bound to notice him if he was her. At the time I was trying to get a girl to care about me the same way I cared about her, and I yearned so much just to be her for a couple hours even.

Pet by A Perfect Circle
I'm in love with Maynard.
And I can listen to this song over nad over withotu feeling the least bit sick of it. It's a hideously possesive song. I like it because it can be interrperted as a sort of warning against possesive, overprotective society or a sort of cruel, kinky love song.
Yeah. I'm done.

I might come back and edit this entry when I'm feeling less scatter-brained.

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