Nov 17, 2004 10:33
So, I'm sitting here at work, waiting on paperwork, and I kep reading about the outcry over the "Desperate Housewives" promotion that preceeded the Eagles-Dallas game on Monday night.
Now, I don't know, but this show airs on a weekly basis, and has done so since the beginning of the fall television season, so that's what? 3, 4 weeks now? I haven't actually sat and watched an entire episode, but why the sudden deluge of complaints about the commercial? The bits and pieces of Desperate Housewives I've been exposed to (commericials, people showing clips to plug the show, flipping through channels) are on par, if not worse than what was shown in that little bit prior to the game. Now, if the NFL and ABC get fined for this, the FCC is, in my mind, not doing it's job correctly. What is the point to having a governing body to keep smut off the airwaves, if all it does is reactionary, and not preventative. The FCC only responds to "indecency" when people complain about it. So basically if I get enough people together who are disturbed by George Bush, and find his presence indecent, I could banish him from ever appearing on TV again. Shouldn't be too hard to do, after all 49% of America didn't like him enough to vote for him. Despite the incredibly stacked deck of being an incumbent, at war time no less.
This whole new moral crusade the country is embarking on is a really slippery slope towards the kind of fundamentalist designs that govern the majority of the Islamic culture. You know, those guys we've called "evil, oppressive mysogynist tyrants" for the past 3 years. The only thing we don't have at the moment is a holy man directly running the country, we keep heading the way we're going, and we have that to look forward to. Along with losing limbs for petty theft, and female circumcisions (because sex isn't for pleasure people, it's a method to make babies. Gotta keep those women subservient to their husbands/owners, barefoot in the kitchen). It's really scary when I think about it.
This country was initially founded (granted they didn't write the Constitution, or the Declaration Of Independence, but they wouldn't have needed to be written if it weren't for them) by a group of people who desired religious freedom. The Mayflower certainly didn't sail over here because they heard the Indians had a shitload of corn. They wanted the freedom to practice their own religion, and it's hypocritical at this point to go against the ONE reason we are all here today. Stifling the people's right to practice and instill their own moral beliefs in their children (and let's be honest, unless you're sick in the head, 95% of all religious, and common sense morality overlaps) completely obliterates the basic priniciple that set this nation in motion and allowed it to grow to the degree it has.
*sigh* I really wish I didn't have to think about things like this.