Because my loveobsessionaddictionohmygod for Cam & Massie LIVES AGAIN!
All with the help from these icons I whipped up--the first batch are the lame ones, the second batch are the ones I had fun playing with. :)
Ahh, the sound of angry Cam&Claire fans whipping sour gummies at me for being one of the few lovers of Cassie--music to my ears. :)
first batch. the lame ones.
second batch. the slight less lame ones.
and I even made a couple of Logan/Lerman a.k.a. HANNAH'S CAM icons:
(i'll make more when' it's not 4am :D)
andddd. massie! more massie!
sigh. me so happy. and if you want to snag, as usual: COMMENT & CREDIT kthx. <3