Here is a story for you all.

Mar 15, 2007 08:59

So last night at like 8 Angela calls me and says....

"Hey im coming to get you right now because if i dont i am going to kill my self"

So i say okay come get me. She gets to my house and i come to the conclusion i am going to be honest with her. YUP. im going to tell her  how i feel tell her about everything....

So we go to Horn Pond or as Angela likes to call it "Horn Porn"...We walk around claiming our land and what not find our bench and sit down at this point im sure she can tell something is a little bit off so she looks at me and says "GIVE IT TO ME STRAIGHT SHELL JUST TELL ME WHATEVER YOU WANT TO SAY" so all of a sudden it just all comes out....well not all but alot....I feel better,im not freaking out everytime my phone rings im not freaking out every time he calls me im chill now.

But this is where it turns into a really bad movie.

I had to pee wicked bad so i jump down bhind the rock wall and pee after i get up all of a sudden i see some guy running out of the woods...YEA NOT THAT WEIRD I KNOW IM NOT DONE YET! So, we wait till he runs past us and start walking, Angela says "doesnt it look like hes not running towrds us not in the other direction" ...."yes yes it does ang,because he is" so he stops and says 
"Hey is there a cop car over there???" 
"umm yea there is..."
 "Oh so are you guys from around here" 
"ummm Tewksbury"
"Okay ttyl"

So he goes in the other direction... We get back to Angelas car and get in and all of a sudden OUT OF NO WHERE there is this kid again,now honestly we still have NO idea how he got back to the parking lot so fucking fast.It didnt look like he had his car with him but that is the only thing that could have happend so he must have got in his car and drove to the parking lot,so did he watch us the whole time and knew what we drove orr??????

So he starts walking twords our car and we FREAK out and leave. WICKED WICKED WICKED CREEPY NO THANKS!!

How much are you dying for alone time hahahaha you geek.

ugghh things are weird latley,Some days I miss him some days i hope he dies.  There are usually way more die says then there are the whole missing him days but I dont miss anything about him really,I really dont even like him,I miss him buying me stuff haha i miss him taking me out to dinner, I miss him bringing me chocolate for no reason. I miss the person he use to be,Im so mad hes just letting some girl live off of him, Hes always been so just...on his own and now it looks like he just has this child clamped onto his leg all the time...It just doesnt seem like HIM...I know what going to happen and so does he. Or he most likley thinking "its different this time" which is what was he said to me but we both know that isnt true I just thought that when we broke up he would have some time to be alone and do his own thing and instead he jumps into another relationship with a girl who cant even support her self? What kind of 18 year old gets kicked out of her own house?? What kind of 18 year old is so awful that her own parents cant stand her?? It all just seems a little weird to me. But then again what kind of mother lets her Sons 18 year old girlfrien move into her home?? I know im not the only one who thinks this way cause even his "friends" are like wtf is this kid doing?? And what kind of guy has friend who would go threw his phone and take the video of him getting dome?  What kind of people are they!!!!??? I cant believe i once surrounded my self by these people,Including HIS MOTHER. his crazy ass mother. I did everything for that fucking family. anything they needed me to do,i did. I wish i had every dollar i ever spend on chuck back I would be so rich right now. Ihope that my rings are still in that parking lot some where and he didnt go back and get them. I just cant believe shes living with him,i wish i could just shake this kid and be like DO YOU REMEMBER OUR REALATIONSHIP AT ALL???? Like does he forget about when i lived there for a good two months?? does he forget how awful it turned out to be "but it will be different this time" NO IT WONT BECAUSE YOU ARE STILL THE SAME PERSON!! YOU DIDNT CHANGE!!! If anyone changed around here its me and at least its for the better,You seem to have lost all your goals and morals and self respect. Everything that you said you wanted in a girl you will not find in her. She has no goals what so ever. She clearly has no self respect if this video is going around and she just doesnt give a shit....and she fucking let you tape her. CLASSY REAL CLASSY! I hope her kids see that some day. Im glad she fucking teaches CCD it shows how much that religion IS A FUCKING JOKE. What kind of a fucking church would let HER teach CHILDREN about God?? HAHAAHA! Seriously. that makes everything so worth it that this girl teaches CCD...I contemplated telling all the parents cause i thought that would be really funny. It just confirms everything i already thought abotu that religion. and when My wonderful ex  boyfriend said "Shes not really into religion anyways" HAHAHA WHAT?? shes not into religion but shes teached CCD....seriously you deff. picked a winner.  Every time i get a little  bit up set i just think about what a slam pig this chick is, Is it bad to hope that she gets cancer from his STD because i kind of do....And for her to even say Bye to my bestfriend...ugh hahaah... and thats another thing SHES DRIVING YOUR CAR??? Because she doesnt have her own??? WHAT ARE YOU DOIIINNNGGG?!?!?!?!?!? Why are you letting this CHILD live off of you Boy?!!?!? Come on wake the fuck up, Bro seriously...what are you doing. I know how this goes. You fall inlove you give it all up then you screw them over ITS NOT DIFFERENT THIS TIME. WAKE UP.


Thats what its going to look like...but most likley black and some blonde thrown in.....I dont care if you dont like it,its gona look hawt.
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