first day, yes i know it's lame.

Sep 05, 2006 18:51

but i must tell you about my wonderful start to gr.10
read if you're interested

soooooo. first day back, always scary, especially when you don't know your schedule. Well, me and Kristen (yes she finally goes to my school) arrive bright 'n early around 7:45 to see what are first period class will be. Lucky for us we have the same home room! :) civvics/careers with some crazy croation teacher that uses the word "nifty" in every other sentence. So me and Kristen also have the same locker, could this day get any better? I mean it's only first period! But of course it does…

Next period I have vocal music!!!!! This super nice girl, Tanya, from my soccer team is in it. So, I have my comfort for singing. And that teacher seems really nice, yet blunt, but I’m not scared at all.

Then there’s science with Ariel and Kara. I’ll probably come close to failing, but ho hum. The text book is quite literally massive! I won’t be surprised if it breaks my new Puma bag by the end of the week. I guess I’ll just have to put forth a good effort in that class.

Now comes lunch, with quite literally everyone you would want lunch with! Very hectic but fun none the less.

Finally comes last period, English. I’m so excited! I have it with my friend since kindergarten, Joey! Aha. That kid makes my life. By then I was losing my voice from talking so much and I had to present in front of the class. I felt like such a tool, but thankfully my voice came out strong.

Now, trying to find buses should be a national sport, my legs are killing me! I think me and Kristen circled the school about three times before we finally found my bus (even though we were looking for her bus).

Went to Kristen’s house for a while, came home, wrote this.. and now I’m going to watch a movie with my little brother Paul cause he’s had quite a tiring first day.


- Sarah
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