Ruth is nearing the top of my least favorite people list

Mar 29, 2005 01:30

I just like to say that I have the biggest bitch of a security guard.

After she bangs the hell out of the door with her fist she acts all cool putting on her gloves and shit, "Is that your bass?" Before I can even begin to answer, "Turn it off now or I'll write you up" and walks away. I'm left at the door without having said a word with a strong desire to throw something at the back of her head. Maybe I should go to the door with a bottle next time.

First off, the bass was turned all the way down. Secondly, the music had been on the same volume for 22 songs straight. Fuck that bitch. She's already written me up once. No one cares, but if she hears anything but silence, the bitch freaks out.

That's definitely one thing I won't miss about living in Hawthorn. I should just blare the hell out of my music on the last night before I go home for the summer. Poor lady...she's like 40 something, smokes every 10 minutes, has the most horrible voice (cause of the cigarettes), coughs up her lungs on a regular babsis, and works like 3rd shift at a college campus as a security gurad. Her life is definitely going somewhere.

I think everyone dislikes that woman.

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