Apr 02, 2005 00:38
"hey i got you a present!"
"what is it?"
"come look!"
::Jason looks::
"what, i thought you might need a purple condom!"
lol so i went into work today around 2 ish(my first day off in four days NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING :P seriously...) and i ran into vorous and we talked for a few minutes and he asked if i was workin today and i said no, and he asked if i wanted to come in for a while because there was NO ushers on at all, and only one concessionist... heck yes i did!!
OMG we had a bat in the attic today!! it was so cute it was like a chubby little hamster with wings
so a few hours turn into 8, and i leave at 10. it was rad though, good day, i spent alot of time with jason, and i got to know him better... he kept asking me if i was planning on staying with my boyfriend and whatnot so we were talking about that lol i dont really care if he was or wasn't cause 1.) alex is my faveorite lol 2.) even if he wasn't flirting the he's a cute guy thats reallly really down to earth and fiiiiiine! :P
a little bit after i clocked on alex came in to pick up his paycheck and while he was waiting for streetman he picked up a broom and started cleaning the row in from of me and we talked some more :P :D i hope we have more shifts together so0o0on!! he loooked pretty spiffy out of his work uniform ^.^
i got my moola today, my bank account is now 130 dollars richer yaaaaay and i found a five in the hallway today lol just laying there! things that make you go YESSS!!
an outstanding day all in all :D