Title: Lost and Found
Author: Seph
noxcuseChapter: Eight (B)
Rating: PG-13 (that’s all I can do)
Summary: Pierre found an abandoned black kitten but what will he do with it? Keep it or find its true owner?
Chapter Summary: Have you been waiting for this? Well, you wouldn’t like this one…
Note: NO MORE POVs, people - it doesn’t match the setting anymore! Bear with me, please - kick my ass if you want!
Dedication: To Mari ([
neitoperhonen) Why? Because I think she was the one who would keep asking me to update this fic! I still remember in most of my one-shot fics and other chaptered fics, she’d be asking about this fic. So, I guess this whole fic, which she calls “The Pink Bell” fic is dedicated to her. Damn, Mari, you rock and you’re the best!!! Love ya loads!!! WooH!!!! To Jo (
the_sebster_fan) Cause I love her so much that words cannot express the way I feel for him (I know that sounds chessy but it’s true, it’s true) and yes, she rocks! She helps me and everyone way too much, that’s why she deserves all the credit and praise! Jo, girl, you rock my world!!! Love ya loads, girl!
(L ost And Found - Eight: Part B ) o-posted at