(no subject)

Jul 08, 2008 20:54

Okay, I am officially weirded out here...

I come home around 6 and I'm STARVING yet I only eat some leftover Chinese food...and now I'm on the laptop and my family is watching this really REALLY WEIRD MOVIE!! These people are doing this undercover thingy and they made a hand come out of a machine and then they turned into dutch dancers that randomly came to this guy's house and this old dude was playing a tuba that took scans of another dudes face and I was like WHOA!! THAT'S A REALLY COOL TUBA!!!

And now the people are dressing up as guys and into a building. Wait! They just got out and now they're dressed as girls again and they're in this weird white room where they keep cartwheeling around the place...o_O?!?! ...Is that...the asian girl from Kill Bill?!?!?!??!?!? WTF?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!?? *dies from confusion* x_x

Well, that movie sounds...interesting...

Anyways!! I'm hoping that

crashandborn will help me with LJ soon because I'm still clueless on what to do with most of the stuff^^" Until next time!!

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