A Face Through The Window

Jun 30, 2009 22:00

Like every other child, my friends and I wanted to start a band. ^^ This was last year. We called ourselves, Those People (creative, right?) and we were gonna use the costumes of A hobo, a firefighter, I think the hardcore zombie person, and of Band Slut. lol, she chose her costume, I didn't say anything. And of course, it failed. But one of the songs we wanted to make was titled, "The Person In The Window" so on the 8 hour drive to Niagara Falls last week, I went through the notebook I brought with me and found the title with unwritten lyrics. So since I'm into poetry I decided to change the title to "A Face Through The Window" and made a poem. My cousins say that I'm going to become a murderer/serial killer when I'm older but hopefully I don't. I just find it nearly impossible to write comedy/happy poems unless it's romance.

A Face Through The Window

I see a face through the window

Bubbly, grinning ear to ear

Her innocent aura like a glow

As she plays outside with every kid near

You’d never think it happened here

I see a face through the window

A forced smile, lost look in her eyes

Nobody told her, how could she know

How the world was cruel and full of lies

But she kept it all inside

I see a face through the window

She’s getting sick and tired of them

Barking orders, saying NO

She was going to get revenge

If only they knew back then

I see a face through the window

A monster clouded with bloodlust goin’ round

Everlasting torture, satisfaction overflows

As she allows them to fall to the ground

No one left to cause her pain now

There’s no face through the window now

Just steel bars locking me in

But when I look in the mirror somehow

There’s that face through the window from back then

That bubbly girl is smiling, and it starts all over again


a face through the window, poetry

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