
Nov 24, 2008 22:52

Man, where have I been?!?!?!
Oh well. GUESS WHAT!! Life is being mean to me today. I woke up super tired, thinking my friend didn't like her one-shot story AT ALL *sulk* (me=bad writer), and I had P.E. today. Bleh XP. It's not that I'm completley lazy but WE DON'T DO ANYTHING!!!! We jogged (well I jogged. Don't know about the rest of the people) and then we played basketball AND THE OTHER TEAM BARELY DID ANYTHING!!!! IT WAS A PURE WASTE OF AN HOUR!!! XP
Then some other not-go-great things happened at school.

But what made me kinda mad/sad was that my sister got home around 9:00 from work and she didn't have the best days in her life. So just now, since she was talking on the phone only like....15 minutes ago, I went to the kitchen to make us both some hot cocoa (STILL YOUR FAULT CRYSTAL!!!! ME=STILL OBBSESSED WITH HOT COCOA BECAUSE OF YOU) and I even made her favorite: Marshmallow Lover's. The one that comes with 40+ marshmallows in a different package. So I finish making it and guess what I find when I come back downstairs.
In our room...
Sleeping -_-"...

NOW WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?! How am I going to finish two cups of marshmallow filled chocolatized milk beverages?!?! No, Sasu! You can't have one!! *sigh* Oh well. I have some work to do now.

But one thing to look forward to! :
SLEEPOVER AT JIJUU'S!!! I can't wait for it, Sasu-chan!! I'm so hyped. ^_______________^

Until next time. ^^v *peace*

sleepover, hot cocoa, bad day

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