Apr 18, 2010 03:28
but an update none-the-less
Okay, so prom started out awful.
the Thursday before we were trying to get everything set for dinner, and we get a call that Grady messed up his knee. Ever since the church was built we have had issues with the pipes; the sewer backed up and the basement flooded again. While Grady was trying to fix it, the hole collapsed and he was almost buried (luckily he wasn't, and was only slightly injured.) and when someone went back the next morning the kitchen ceiling was in the kitchen sink. Therefore, it was a good idea to say that dinner WAS NOT happening at the church lol
So we tried to figure something else out, and on our way back from picking up our friend (she came to prom with Brittany, we met her at thespian conference) my mom said that Scot called and told her that we were able to use the firehouse in town. So we called everyone and set it up. and problems with dinner were solved.
And then my mother and i spent the rest of the night making nine corsages.
Brittany and Myranda come over Saturday at about two o'clock, and my mom started doing her hair at about three. the time we gave everyone was between 5- 5:30 for pictures and such, and dinner would be at 6. Weeeeeelllll, that didn't work out so hot. lol
Glen and his mother (punctual as usual according to my mom) were the first ones there. My hair was SO not working out, all it was was a huge mess and it was like 5:15 already. SO we ended up just pulling it in a side pony tail since it was all curled. (Brittany was happy because that was her recommendation in the first place) i was peeved, but it wasn't the end of the world. but while my mom was fixing my hair she was telling me that Glen and Brenda (his ma) were already down there, and she said "wow he grew up!" and i was like yeah!! hahah she hasn't seen him since he was small. and she said that when she had talked to Brenda that she had said something along the lines of "Yeah, at first he didn't know whether or not he was going to go, and i told him 'if you don't go with her i will!!' " - which left me thinking "...lovely, i have a date who's mother forced him to go with me...." not the best mentality for the evening.
So i had to grab a couple of things, and i was on my way. So i get down to the station and i realize that i was sticking to the seat... i had to use fashion tape because my dress was A)strapless and B) a size too big. (the store went from the size below, to the one above me. It was the only dress i could find after trying on 20 dresses, so i gave in and bought the one that i wouldn't tear or suffocate in) So the tape doesn't stick after it's torn away, and so when i got the firehouse i went straight into the kitchen to ask my mom to untape me. There's a million people talking to me at once, the back of my dress is slipping, the tape is sticking out, and my mother is yelling at me to go say hi to my date. I was like, really?!
so she ended up pinning the back to my bra, and the front stayed taped really well all night (note to self....fashion tape TAKES OFF SKIN!! i still have rectangles!! haha)
so i finally get everything fixed, and go say hi to Glen and he hands me this BEAUTIFUL corsage, and i realize...." i forgot the boutonniere in the refrigerator."
so i run back to the house and get it. and on the way out the ribbons on my flays came untied and as i was bending down to fix them i dropped the corsage pin off of the boutonniere. and it couldn't just fall onto the ground, oh no. It had to roll under the car. So after re situating i finally picked up the pin, and ditched the ribbons ASAP. So i get back to the firehouse and then we take pictures (during which he told me i looked "very pretty") and then we are all just sitting around and i notice that Allen is wearing suspenders- and at that moment i vowed "by the end of the night...i WILL snap Allen's suspenders." so after a while he was messing with then and the buckles on them where crooked, and so i said "hunny, you're a little crooked" and he was like "well can you fix then because i can't see from that angle!" i said sure, the entire time thinking "this is too easy"
and i did it. I snapped them lol it was awesome and everyone who heard my vow was laughing hysterically.
So we finish eating and since we still have like 2 hours to kill we walk down to the park.
Heck yes, we were at the park in prom dresses and tuxes. We pretty much rock!!! hahah, So we hung out there and then headed to the dance.
my grandma let me borrow her car for the evening and i told Glen that it's way different from our car, so I'm sorry if i send him flying through the windshield. (our car you really have to punch it to go ANYWHERE, if you go 80 in it it starts shaking. it's bad lol and grandma's car is very touchy, and very fast) so after we get into the car and i tell him that, he looks at me and says (okay, so you start by putting the key in the ignition" and i just gave him a dirty look and told him he wasn't funny. even though it kind of was lol
okay so i laughed.
and then we got to prom and it was GORGEOUS!!! The junior class did so well decorating. there was a fountain (they actually put fish in it, i didn't find that out until later) and it was just beautiful. the theme was "take my breath away." So during the first slow song we were dancing and i asked him what he thought of everyone, and he said that they are hilarious. lol after putting him in a couple of awkward positions during dinner (i.e. standing next to cody and allen while cody was trying to get Allen to touch his butt) i asked him if he was alright with everyone and he said "i'm fine. i'm...comfortable."
So we taught each other to dance a couple of dances ( i was trying to teach him how to do the one line dance i know, and i was laughing so hard i thought my knees were going to go out.) and i thouht it was really cool that even though he doesn't hang out with us he still danced with everyone and just had fun. It was the coolest thing. By the end of the night we had him cracking jokes and being totally open and stuff!!! So his friend connor was at the dance and he was like "HEY!" and Glen and i (naturally) looked and he was like "arms length apart!" and did the "i'm watching you" motion with his fingers, and glen just laghed and like pulled me closer. I started laughing (again, NATURALLY haha) and we just kind of stayed that way. So i figured we should get pictures out of the way before he ditched his vest, and i sweated all of my makeup off, so we headed that way. So he was arguing that he was going to buy the pictures since i had bought the tickets so i gave in. (Which i told him not to get used to because that doesn't happen very often lol) and we were standing in line and i said "WELL, since you're paying for the picture, you get to chose the pose" and of course he didn't want to. so my argument was "it's your money so you get to chose which pose we do" so he immediately says "one" hahah and i was like "you haven't even seen them yet!!" lol
So we were still in line and i asked him what he was thinking and he was like "nothing actually" and i said "why doesn't that surprise me?" and he starts laughing and was like "oh ouch!!" and did the whole knife through the heart stab and turn action and we both just started laughing.
Hopefully the picture turned out okay lol
so we get back out and they did the crowning and played "Take my breath away" (haven't seen Top Gun yet, but i swear i will) and that stupid song had been stuck in my head ever since lol but anyways while we were dancing i asked him somthing that had been bothering me since my mom had mentioned it.
"If i tell you somthing will you promise to tell the truth?"
"....depends on what it is"
*"dirty look"* (quotation marks implying that i wasn't serious in the dirty look lol)
" *laughs( * just kidding, yes."
"did your mom make you come tonight?"
"(without missing a beat) no."
"*Raises eyebrow*"
"i wanted to come."
It's hard to be convinced of something like that. my mom mentioned later that she was assuming the comment was about finances. he wasn't not sure if he WANTED to go, but that he didn't know if he COULD. i mean it would have been easy for him to be like "My parents said i couldn't go" if he didn't want to...you know??
But anyways, so i pretty much forgot about it the rest of the night, but it was still a dormant thought in the back of my cranium.
During another slow song Corryn walks up and is like, grabbing her boobs lol thats just Corryn though...i don't know if she's afraid they're going to fall off or what but she is always holding them lol So she leaves and he was like "WOW, what is with girls and boobs tonight!!" because earlier all of the girls had been talking about it hahah, it was hilarious. there were about 20 people at dinner with us, and only 5 guys, you can see that we had an overabundance of estrogen lol
The last song that was played was Aerosmith, "I don't wanna miss a thing." Let's just say it was my favorite song of the evening (= hahaha
While we were dancing i stepped a bit closer then we had been dancing and lay my head on his shoulder...when i did that he lay his head on me and pulled me closer. which really made me think back to that thought earlier ("was he MADE to come?)
but i pretty much stopped caring halfway through the thought and just enjoyed it.
so after the song ended he thanked me for bringing him and said that he had a blast. So we all packed up and headed to my house so that we could change and head to after prom at the rec center. and when we get in the car at the school to head back to my house, what does he say but "key in ignition...check" i was like "i'm glad you get a kick out of this" hahaha
So we all get to the house and my mom was like "oh good, you didn't kill him" and i was like "i'm a good driver!!" and i said ask him and i looked at Glen and was like "i'm a good driver right?? I AM A GOOD DRIVER *threateningly* and kali was like "WELL NOW THAT YOU THREATENED THE POOR KID!!" and the whole time everyone else is just laughing haha. So on the way to afterprom i was rubbing my cheeks and he asked what was wrong and i said "my face hurts!" and i started laughing. and i said "i guess i've been talking to much" and he said "or laughing and smiling" and i was like "yeah, probably" i've never had that happen before hahaha, i can honestly say that before prom i have NEVER had a jaw ache.
We arrive at after prom, we walk in and Brittany and Myranda find us. Brittany said that there was nothing to do and the rec room was small and a bunch of other stuff. So i say lets go explore and see if we can find something to do. So we go up to the rec room and there's a Foosball table ,so Brittany and Myranda play Glen and i (we won!! hahah) and then we decide to go hunt down the food.
So we're sitting in the cafeteria and this girl Rachel walks up and starts talking to Glen. she bugs me but other than that i don't have a problem with her lol so she walks up and it went a little something like this.
"Hey Glen, are you gonna go swim?"
(without even looking up from his food)"No"
"Why not?"
(Still not looking up) "I don't know"
"you should come swim with me"
(The Food must be pretty interesting because he is STILL not looking up) "no"
(she walks away) lol it took all the self control i could muster not to bust out laughing.
and i told him "you are more than welcome to go swim if you want to. (i had told him that before as well. I said that he could go swim if he wants to,but i wasn't going to) and he was like "No that's okay."
So Brittany says "You know, the dance is over, you don't HAVE to stay with her if you don't want to"
and he says:
"If i wanted to leave i would" (another reassuring comment) =D
and all of us were like "WHOA!"
and Brittany puts up her hands and starts laughing and goes "OKAY! " hahaha
we finish eating and i ask him if he would like to go play chess because we had seen a table on the way into the food place. he said yes, so we're gathering up our trash to throw out on our way and people are like "where are you going" and we said "to go play chess" so a bunch of them follow us out...boring game for them lol
but maybe it's just me that thinks it more interesting to play then to watch haha
but anyways, he beat me. and then we went upstairs again and i schooled him at one on one Foosball.=D
And then it was 3:30 and our after-prom was over. So we are headed out the door and they're handing out these drawstring backpacks that look like our baseball jerseys. and when we get out the door he holds it up and goes "do you think it will fit??"
so i chuckled and said "hmm....you know, i think it will fit, i just don't know if that's your color"
We drove back to his house and i got out to give him a hug, and i asked him if he would tell me if he didn't have fun. and he says "..........yes" and i laughed and said "your hesitance is by no means comforting." lol
and that was pretty much the end of our night. then i went home where seven of us stayed. and slept...well. after a while. Steph was singing the gospel version of "Let It Be" off of across the universe and i was laughing so hard i thought i was going to throw my back out. and my face hurt. i thought i was dying lol
and then at about 4 o'clock i moved into my bedroom because 4 people on a hide-a-bed doesn't work out, and i was moving my hair out of the way and i jabbed myself in the eye with my thumbnail. thinking i would be fine in a couple of minutes i went to sleep and went through sunday with my eye closed. By sunday night it was swelling and it hurt to open it even a little bit. I figured iw ould go to sleep and i would be fine in the morning. I woke up and my eye was swollen shut. to which my mother said "you're not going to school, you're going to the doctor." so i put ice on it all day, and grandma said to put some salt water in it. so i did, and kept iceing it until i went to the doctor.
I guess i cut my eye. lol
Seriously, who pokes themselves in the eye, and has to go to the doctor?? But anyways she gave me some eye drops to help the healing along (she said it was looking good already) and to keep infection away.
And that was my prom weekend lol
Poor Glen will never be the same after hanging out with us hahah. We all have such strange humor, and you can definitely tell that it's not what he's used to lol, but he fit in with us really well, and didn't just stay at MY side all night, but hung out with everyone else too. He opened doors, and was just an overall gentlemen. It was kind of cool, because even though things didn't work with my hair, and the whole night wasn't completely a smooth ride, i still had the time of my life. I guess it just showed me that even though i wasn't flawless, it was still possible to have a wonderful time. and i was so comfortably with Glen, it was so nice not to have to worry about trying to impress anyone. I don't DO that crap, why would i want to?? it's annoying, and everyone expects you to be all ladylike and such, and I'm just not. and i was just able to be ME. without being annoyed at the way that people react.
So it was phenomenal!!!!
and then this week a asked him if he wanted to come see lizzy's play with me (her school did the wizard of Oz) and he said he did. So we went to see it tonight and due to "techincal difficulties" (power outage) the show was postponed until monday. so Mom (lizzy's mom) and John took us all (Liz, Becky (johns daughter) lyndsay (the little sister) Cody (lizzy's boyfriend) Bekkah (the big sister) and Glen and I out for ice cream. but while we were waiting for liz we were all standing in the auditorium and Amy asked if glen and i were boyfriend and girlfriend and we both said "no" and she laughs and says "Sorry, i have to check when you start bringing to opposite sex around." and then we turn to the subject of....BOOBS!! seriously lol
i was like i think that it's you. you just bring on the topic Glen and he was like "I guess so!" haha
so we go and have ice cream and Mom is like "what did you order?? oooo, it's simple...*leans over to me* he's a keeper" lol and they made little comments like that all night. it was entertaining. Ang glenn just laughs. It's good that he has such a good sense of humor, i really don't know what we would do if he didn't hahah. on the way to Coldstone i was apologizing for anything that may have been awkward and he was like "if it was my family they would be like 10 times worse, and i woudl be soooo embarassed" and i was like "i'm sure you would have nothing to be embarassed about" all the while thinking of my mother who is trying to plan the wedding HAHAHAH. So then we went to wal mart where Paul walks up and tells everyone that this is his boyfriend and such. (while he was holding hands with his girlfriend hahahah) and he was just laughing and was like "no paul, no!" and so he gives him a hug and gets him to go away and i was just smiling at him and i said "sooo...you and paul??" and he stars laughing and tells me how Paul has a man crush on him lol and apparently he has him in weights.
Then while we were leaving Walmart i asked him if he wanted to go say bye to his boyfriend and he was like "we need to go." (while laughing of course lol) and then he was telling me about how Paul looked at him the other day and said 'You're looking pretty cute today Glen'
and he says
"So i'm standing there in the locker room...IN MY UNDERWEAR and I'm like PAUL SHUT UP!!"
it was great!!
So we decided that after the man crush, we were even for the embarrassing moments, because i had done a few retarded things tonight lol. some examples:
1. Put the car in DRIVE when i needed it in REVERSE and not jut once, twice.
2. backed up too far....into a ditch. (after which he says "oh hey...there's a ditch there) THANK YOU!!! hahah
3. Tried to drive...which may have worked had the CAR BEEN TURNED ON.
so i was like, okay it is definitely your turn for being retarded and then that happened and he was like "okay...i think we're even."
and i had to agree lol
Lyndsey was telling me about her choir concert and everything and she looks at Glen and says "you can come too" hahah, i think that she has a crush on Glen as well as Lizzy's boyfriend. it's humorous.
so that was this evening, and I'm going to try really hard to keep up to date...because writing this long of an entry once a week...will kill my wrists lol
Apparently Daniel told the kids that he's homeless now. That's not something you tell your kids. they don't need to be worrying about money and all that crap at their age. It's like you know buddy, sure you have problems, but don't count on your freaking kids to throw a pity party for you. That's pretty selfish and messed up. But then he knows that he gets to send them home crying and worried about him, and then my mom gets to listen to it and try to calm them down, and he gets to turn it all around on her saying that it's her fault because she's taking his money.
You're rotten, and you need to grow up.
He is ruining these kids.
Yeah, it screws with my mom, but it is RUINING his children. and he doesn't care. MONEY and HOUSING is NOT things that children should have to worry about- that was my childhood. Not theirs. and he has NO right to do that. Grow up, and stop blaming your mistakes on everyone else.
I'm not working at the motel anymore. I don't kiss up and cater to people, so i lost my job. Which I'm fine with. That guys room was disgusting anyway. But now it means i have to borrow money from mom/grandma again every time i want to do something. I am on a roll.
and Bakkah is pregnant, which isn't as big of a thing now. When Liz first found out she wasn't able to tell anyone. I felt like an awful friend because i was the only one she told about it, and i wasn't even able to be around there for her to talk to about it and to support her.
and then i haven't been able to get up and see Karly and she sends me a text the other night that says "mom is in the hospital" apparently Karly's ma was at a high risk for a heart attack. Pretty scary stuff. She's out now though and she's okay. thankfully. I still feel rotten though for never being able to see them. =-/ especially when they need me the most.
but I'm still on an emotional high from prom, (= so besides wanting to punch a 40 year old with a 10 year old mentality, I'm doing grrrrrreat!!! (like frosted flakes)