Oh noo... ;_; not another basketcase teacher

Aug 25, 2010 19:18

It's really the end.. no more summer break. Somehow, I thought this year would be better..
I'm exhausted.. and it's only the second day. There are like 68 people (or more?) on my morning bus.No ac of course, and that hot muggy floridian air got pretty uncomfortable,, I can't move.. smooshed agaist a window, with someone elses violin on my lap, with two other people sharing the same seat (didn't work  out so well) I could only sigh and crank up the volume on my ipod.. The afternoon bus isn't much better, I CURSE myself for not getting my permit sooner >.>
There's this poor bus driver that doesn't know where the hell she's going, with a three pages of adresses on her lap, that lead her all over the damn town (I use "town" very loosly).. Estimated time to take all those people home, 2 in a half hours.. =_= That's the estimate.
I am so blessed considering my subdivision lies only a minute away from the main state road.. (which means i get off at a somewhat reasonable time..sometimes)...
This transportation deal kind of sucks (okay.. really sucks CURSE YOU STUPID SCHOOL BOARD/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT.)
I also have a rising fear that my Trigonometry teacher is a total nut.
He is reminding me of those guys in the lifetime movies, who seem completly normal.. (until you find out Lily's neighbor murdered the mailman). He seems like one of those REALLY OCD people..
After reading his guide to doing math homework.
"Answers you wish to be graded must be circled" 
I always box answers..
Oh geez,
I mean there was an entire page of weird things like this. He's not a professor either..
After reading it i remember his PERFECT handwritting.. (I'm not joking it looked like a computer font on the white board)
His pet peeve about ripping pages out of notebooks because those thin little strips of paper always seem to find their way to the floor of his classroom, and it just bothers him a lot... His statement that we needed to use mechanical pencils because he felt sharpening pencils was a waste of time and made such an annoying noise...
There were many more statements like these during the 90 min. I was in his class..
I just really hope he's not some OCD nutcase... but i keep thinking about those lifetime movies.
I didn't notice at the time, he had seemed so chill!

Anyway.. I also discovered the dangers of Culinary class.
My school is new, (like a year old bro) so the culinary department is a resterant kitchen pretty much, it's really nice. They run a cafe in there..
So, i mean... I'm in Culinary 1, I figured they'd at least teach us a few things before sending us all in the kitchen blindly with all those advanced students.. But no..as my Teacher/Chef said "Were just going to dive right in!.." we did just that.
Second day of school, and kids who have never even used a vegetable peeler before are dumped in a bustling kitchen, along for the ride.
Apparantly the cafe was in a dire need of matchstick carrots for a stir fry. So me and a few friends grabbed cutting boards and carrots.. and were then handed these huge ass knives.. (to cut freaking carrots with..those skinny little matchstick carrots!)
We don't even own knives like this at my house.. (we like to keep our fingers when cutting veggies)
these are those snazzy ones you see the chefs with on the food network.
At any rate, I had no idea how to use it correctly.
Instead of squaring my carrots, they ended up many sided. The "Julianne" cut carrots, as they called them,  are freaking hard to cut with those huge knives.. =_=
After cleaning up and put my decently cut carrots in the bowl. I looked down at my hand to see a chunk of skin was missing. O.o
I didn't even feel it.. nor do i have any idea how i cut the hand i was holding the knife with..
(At least it wasn't bleeding!)
So yea, there's a good few layers of skin missing off my pointer finger.. >.>
It's hard to hold writting utensils damnit!
Hopefully, they teach us something.. so i don't end up shaving off any more skin, or worse...
Oh god O.O
I'm just going to calm down and end this rant now, pushing the images of 2nd degree burns out of my head.

The saddest part is.. i have so much work to do..
I can't even use those treasured new art supplies i got ;_;
FFFffff D':
Oh well, hopefully things get sorted out, i learn how to use a knife, and finish all this school work...
Love yeww ^A^

rambles, rants, school

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