He Came in Through The Bathroom Window (2/?)

Aug 17, 2011 23:01

Jim and Mike stared at each other in bafflement, they weren’t quite sure what they were about to walk into. Jim was too afraid to go upstairs, he was too shocked and scared of what he might see. He made his way to the living room, and sat in silence waiting for the moaning and screaming to stop. Jim McCartney was no fool, he was very much aware of the fact that his eldest son had sex, but he’d never actually heard him. He was shocked, and a bit impressed.

Mike walked up the rickety old stairs. As he walked p the stairs he stared at the many portraits of family that aligned the wall. He stopped at a picture of him and his brother when they were a bit younger, out in the backyard. Paul was covered head to toe in mud, and Mike fared much than Paul. He remembered that day well. They were playing soldier in the back and got a little too into making the trenches. When their mother had come home, she was not very pleased with the state of the backyard, but the boys looked so adorable that she had to take a picture before scolding them. They weren’t spared the belt from their father, but stairs expecting to see with brother with some bird. Mike truly, with all his innocence, was expecting a really fit bird with big tits, and blonde hair. Just like Brigitte as they always talked about. No, instead Mike was faced with his brother on all fours, in his bed with a bloke buggering him. The man doing his brother had his head down, so Mike couldn’t see his face. But he knew that it wasn’t a girl, and that Paul was getting buggered. He looked to be enjoying it a hell of a lot with all that moaning he was doing. Mike just closed his eyes, trying to forget the image in his head, and went into his home slamming the door.

Jim heard the door slamming, and thought is was Paul’s room. Thinking it was safe, Jim went up the stairs and as he got to the landing, he turned to his eldest son’s room, expecting to face a door but was shocked to see that his son being pounded into mercilessly by a boy with so much force, Jim was surprised that there was so denting in the wall.

As Jim walked closer to the room, he saw it was John. John Lennon, the boy that Jim warned his son about. The boy Jim told his wife about every night, and prayed to god that he would lose interest in his son, so his son could go back to being the good boy he was before. It was all too insane for him; his first born son was queer? He could do nothing but stand, staring mouth agape in horror as the two stayed blissfully unaware of his presence.

“Aww Johnny, I’m gonna...ooh god I’m gonna...”

“Paulie oh Paulie, let go! Oh fuck cum for me baby.”

“Ah FUCK!”


After a few minutes of post orgasm haze, the two shared a passionate kiss, still unaware of Jim’s mien. It wasn’t until Jim coughed and made himself known had the two finally realised who was there.

“Oh my god dad this-“tried Paul, in a futile attempt of denial, but was interrupted by his father.

“Come off it Paul, give me some credit son. I’m not just some daft old man, and I most certainly was not born yesterday.” Jim gave him a stern look.

“I didn’t want you to find out this way dad.” Paul tried again. He could feel the sense of disappointment in the older man. It dug a deep pit of shame in his stomach; everything he did was to make his father proud. He felt his resolve slowly shatter as his father began to speak again.

“What? Me walking in on you, shagging your best mate, like a couple of good for nothing queers?!”

“Mr. McCartney, please try and understand we’re not doing anything wrong.” John could tell that something was going to happen, and he needed to protect Paul if it should turn ugly.

“Oh shut it you! You’re the last person who should be moving their gob at the moment.” Jim snapped with such authority, it was the first time John coward away from the older man.

Jim stared at the couple in a strange silence, his breathing was a ragged, and his heart was pumping with anger, and pure shock. Then his eyes racked over their naked forms. He suddenly felt a sudden jolt of electricity. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt since his wife had died years ago. It scared Jim more than he cared to admit.

“I...I...I want to talk to you two in the morning. Just go to sleep, I don’t want to hear a peep from this room.”

With a final look over the couple, Jim left his eldest sons room. As he closed the door, he waited for a few minutes, hearing faint whispers between the two boys then silence. When he was satisfied, Jim walked down the hallway and stopped at his younger son’s room. As he opened the door slightly, he saw his sleeping form. At least one of my boys isn’t trying to give me a heart attack. A faint smile crept on his lips, as he basked in the innocence his younger son still had.

With one last glance, he closed the door, and made his way down past the water closet, and entered his own room. With a sigh, Jim sat on his bed, and looked to his bed side table. A picture of his wedding day stared back at him, and he felt his heart sink. Where did I go wrong Mary? Jim thought to himself, hoping somehow his late wife heard it. With one last thought, Jim changed into his night clothing, and when to lie in bed. As his head hit the pillow, his eyes fluttered shut, hoping the hide the shameful feeling he got from the scene he had just witnessed with his son and his friend. But the image wouldn’t relent, and nor would the feeling. The feeling of arousal...

paul mccartney, slash fiction, slash, yaoi., boys kissing, fanfiction, pornfiction, fandom, john lennon, the beatles, band slash

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