Title: My One and Only Dream Boy
xhesxmyxloverxRating:PG for thought of suicide and apple bottoms.
Pairing:Ryan Ross/ Brendon Urie
POV: omniscient but Ryan's
Summary: A poem I wrote not that long ago when i was reading a story on S!ATD called 'Candy Floss Ryan Ross'
Disclaimer: this is not read, i came up with the words but the plot does not belong to me nor do the boys.
Author Notes:I you like it tell me so i can be inspired to write more poems.
My one and only Dream
Dear love, I wrote this for you after i met you in my dreams. this is to show my true feelings for you.
I am living in my insane world Suicidal thoughts bounce in and out of my head, Thinking of how my life is deteriorating at the sight of his lips.
The lips of an angel My one and only dream boy
Sometimes I think I will never reach his beautiful arms no matter how hard he tries to reach out to me and if and when I reach him, the way he holds me is my everything.
no one can wake me as I look into his eyes.
His eyes are soft brown almost the same as a small child but gives you the insight of an old soul Dark hair as dark as the one thing that used to be my soul black, black is my non existing heart that aches for him, lusts for him, my one and only dream boy
His voice calls out to me as I dream As he sings, I forget all that is around me, my thought, the people, the world. All that is left is he and I, the two of us alone to do what we wish if only for a split second I feel sheer happiness with him My one and only dream boy
A body that leaves you wanting more Thin but not Built but not, his bottom is one that nobody has every seen, round, and almost apple like His porcelain skin is soft almost like silk. When touched it's as if he were an infant My one and only Dream boy
I feel my mind numb as I keep thinking of him However, what does it matter? He is not here, not real only a figment of my imagination Only in my dreams can we touch, kiss, rejoice in the calm slumber that takes me away from the world I see one person, only him, angelic lips, soft eyes, dark hair
My one and only dream boy