Aug 28, 2014 23:48
Hello all! Hopefully you guys are reading this and I'm not talking to myself like an idiot ;3; lovemeplz
I just wanted to, firstly, apologise for the slowness of The Buddy System. I always get this way with new projects. I've reached a bit of a wall, to be honest. I have so many ideas for the story, but I've become a little self concious with my writing... I just don't know if it's good enough and because of that, I'm constantly going back and forth, checking and re-checking, to the point where I tire myself out. Of course, this results in my updates becoming super slow, because I'm just so overly critical with what I'm doing ;3; I'm sorry about that <3
Secondly, I'm probably being super childish, but something shook my confidence a little. Usually when I post an update on The Buddy System, I get four or five comments in the space of two days, and that always makes me super happy, but on the most recent one (chapter 5), I only got one comment, and I got really upset haha! I know the rest of you eventually commented, but I was just... I don't know... I'm very sensitive about my writing. Again, I'm so sorry! Please don't stop reviewing guys. It really inspires me to write more. I know it's selfish of me to say, and I hate it when people threaten 'no update' unless they get reviews, but it was kind've ugh... made me feel uneasy ;3;
And lastly, I just want to apologise again. Updates for The Buddy Systems are coming, it's just taking some time ^^"
Please forgive me, I just need a bit of time <3