Nov 22, 2004 15:34
Well hello derrrrr
av just got bak from skool sports studies was quite gd tho lmaooo =) miss percy wnt der and we had misss greensmith me n rach n steph had a laugh lol =) science wa ded gd anall lol miss richardson wnt der so we had dis man and me k8i nay and paul ad a r8 laugh lmaoooo we was throwin sweets at all dese geeky lads lmao 8-| =p well 2 day am not guin out cos i cnt be arsed and its 2 cold and its gd tv on 2nyt lol 3 epoisodes od coro lol im a r8 sado lmao =') am ded hypoooo lol =)
well yesturday i dint do much *-) just went 2 me nans she help me wi me textiles wrk making me skirt shes a (*) bless her =)
Wellll i best get guin nowww am missin coutdownn lmaooo steph =)=) its our fav show =p
lovveeeee becky xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx