Odin again last night. The previous Odin we did I was in the Add party as COR. Since I wasn't really that helpful in that party as COR, I decided to gear up PLD for this run and hopefully be useful. Of course the language barrier played games with me like it usually does. Rather than get in the adds party I was put in the main tank party.
Well lets just say I went from being a third wheel in the adds party, to being a third wheel in the tank party. Our main tank is a machine, I don't think I ever saw hate switch my way (not that I'm complaining). In the end when Odin went into the final phase I took a knee only to be interrupted by Paralyzega and forced to stand and take the final attack. Why!? Why does a non-damage spell force you to stand out of resting?
So thinking back, I should have Invincible'd when I saw the main tank do so rather than eating dirt for the last 5% before getting up.
In other tanking related news, I got to go PLD/NIN on Omega. Usually we do this with 2x NIN/DRK but we just lost one and seeing that my NIN gear has dust on it on a mule, I geared up PLD/NIN. My main concern was pulling hate off the NIN/DRK since I know the insane amount of hate they can pull and keep. PLD's can keep up if they know what to do. Things were going smooth, hate was bouncing back and forth nicely, but then... TP move, mistimed shadow cancel and critical downed me. Oh the humility... I haven't mistimed a shadow cancel in... I can't remember when I've died from that last.
Anyhoo, I'm seriously now thinking about Aegis. If currency drops go to plan, it'll cost me around 15 million to complete. This means I have to start farming/crafting when ever I have spare time on my hands.