Sep 14, 2007 15:35
Well it's been a while since I've posted a fairly lengthy rant, so here it is.
Sky triggers farming on Tuesday went great. One hour and we had 5 of 8 triggers, with 2 of the missing ones already on us. There was a slight altercation with another shell whom had been farming Despot for 3 hours. We turned up at the same time we have every week for three years only to get Despot to pop 5 minutes later. Tells were exchanged, threats of cockblocking our farming days were made, in the end they just left saying that they had already farmed everything out. Funny how we got Zip, SC, MG, Faust within moments of them leaving.
So after my great 10k/hr party I was graced with some rather poor parties. Like I'm talking about a party where the RDM only cast Paralyze, where Slow would have been 10x better since the Puk's attacked at the same rate in which I was curing. SAM's that well, pulled regardless of MP. Now I thought that I might have been unlucky with that party, well the next night, it mightn't have been a bad party, hell the DRK dumped a 1112 WS into the mob, so we were doing nice damage, just we lacked well... a Refresher. Lucky I had juice ingredients on me, but the drawback with that was that the puller wasn't giving me a chance to synth let-alone rest when I was. Atleast I got 59, I'm edging closer to 75, I expect at least mid 60's after this weekend.
Lessers today were average. Pretty crappy drops already really. I did manage to get Genbu's Kabutu, putting me at 4/5 Shinjin gear (would have been 5/5 if I hadn't given up my Osode, but that's history now). It's kind of unheard of but there was another member from a rival shell tailing us all night wanting to snap poké-pics who had asked if we would let him join in on the Byakko kill. Unheard of in the way that we allowed it. See a few members knew him, a few members didn't want to do it, but we are easy going like that, not like half of the other tight ass shells going around these days. Pants dropped and all he got out of Byakko was Lizard Killer plate.
So that's me at the moment. If anyone can give me tips on what rare/ex gear I should be looking at hunting down for my PLD, I'd much appreciate it. Stuff I don't have equiped yet that I have and will be using, Jelly Ring, Hands, Crown, Feet AF2, Herc Ring etc.