May 27, 2006 01:00
so when i cant sleep cause im thinking to hard about stupid crap I like to read my friends jounals and see all the stupid crap they are thinking about, Im not on line often but just by reading some of the most recent events in my friends lives Im can see how were all going through all the same shit its weird that we can all be so similar and facing the same issues but still feel so alone in this world!
this week I :
1. had a friend die he was 21
2. felt depressed over age love life
3.made alot of money (and it made me feel great)
4.missed people
5.felt alone (although I never am)
6.wanted to play a show badly!
7.for some reason thought about all my friends on tour and got happy and bummed in the same amount
8.worked hard stayed out late and wondered why i felt tired
9.made a tattoo appointment
10.stretched my ears bigger
11.prepaired for my 10 day vacation to puerto rico
so ya take care kids if you are actual friends of mine know that I love you (you should know that cause i tell you in person) and know that with out you I would truly be alone in this world, thanx for everything!
ps- can you imagine what a mess i would be if I drank ha ha fucking crazy!