Feb 27, 2007 08:52
so i went to visit jeff in CA from the 15th-21st. it was the greatest week/weekend ever. i had sooo much fun. his buddies wanted to go to san diego for the weekend but 2 of them wanted to ride their motorcycles down and they wanted jeff to go too, but the only issue was me. so we compromised. i rode on the back of one of his buddies bikes, since jeff hasn't been riding that long yet and doesn't feel comfortable with a passenger yet. so we went down to san diego fri night. spent sat lying on a beach relaxing, so nice. i took lots of pics. sat night we went to mexico, the border was only 15 min away lol. but once in mexico the cab driver almost killed us when a another car was coming onto the highway from an on ramp and neither car was slowing down, not like we could tell you how fast we were going cause the speedometer in the cab we were in wasn't working. so yeah. the cars almost collided and i'm pretty sure i almost freaked out. went to a bar called papas and beers. nice place. did some dancing and drinking, steph rode a mechanical bull. fun times. we tried to go to a strip club but apparently there weren't any in walking distance so oh well. sun we slept in and heading back up to the LA area. on the way back, those of us on the bikes took a detour and went up a mountain that one of jeff's buddies took a ride up the day before with a bunch of people who had similar bikes to his. beautiful view up there. took more pics. we went back down and proceeded back. was having a great ride back doing like 100 on the highway for a good part of the time. then we stopped at a rest stop to get gas, and that's where the fun ended. on the way down the off ramp, the chain on jeff's bike snapped. luckily it happened when it did. things could have gotten much worse. and then the bike i was riding on the back of, got a check engine light as he was getting to the stop sign. so yeah, great gas stop. so we walked the bikes over to the gas station and tried to call AAA. only to find out, unless asked, AAA doesn't cover motorcycles. damn did that suck. so one of the guys called someone who was an hr away on base who had a truck, and he had to go get ratchet straps and then come get us. so we hung around the gas station for an hr. at least it was in a decent area, and we were only 20 min from our destination. so it wasn't to bad. it could have been much worse. the guy came, we got the bikes in, and since only 2 were gonna fit the 3rd guy had to ride his bike back and 4 of us crammed into a 3 seat truck. that meant i got to sit on jeff's lap for the drive back. mon we hung around and went to get the parts needed to fix jeff's bike. played some video games and just relaxed. we were gonna go to magic mountain, but it was raining. but since the place is going to be closing down soon, i'll just have to go back and visit jeff so i can go lol. tues was a relaxing playing video games day. jeff did take me on base to take a tour. lots of sand lol. guess that's what happens when it's in the mojave desert lol. i had a really nice time out there and i really can't wait to go back out and visit, hopefully soon =D
so in other news....the one wisdom tooth that the dr said he couldn't take out 2 years ago, is driving me crazy rite now. omfg does it hurt so damn much rite now. i just want it out. and my new dental coverage doesn't start till thurs, so going to the dentist to have it looked at isn't gonna work cause i need a surgeon to remove it and come thurs my insurance could change who i can see and it just sucks. so instead i get to sit here at work not only doing nothing, another issue well get into in a sec, but i'm sitting here doing nothing thinking bout the pain i'm in. so much fun.
onto the job. i hate it. i'm a glorified secretary. i make phone calls and write letters all day. oh and i found out yesterday, that the main secretary lady is going in for knee surgery in like a month and apparently i'm NOT ALLOWED to take off while she is out. does that prove i'm not an engineer, i can take off if i my boss does and it doesn't matter, but a secretary takes off and i can't wtf. so i got a bit pissed over that yesterday too. cause now i can't do anything for easter, which is about when shes going in for it. and shes not sure how long shes gonna be out. but i can guarantee i'm not getting screwed for memorial weekend, holidays are so rare here, i'm taking long weekends whenever i can. i was actually going to see if maybe i could make a CA visit again then. but that's a bit far away rite now and it can be worked on a a later point. so the point is that yes i am on a job hunt again. i got an inside helper at lockheed who pushed my resume through to the cad/drafter department for me. only flaw, is i didn't really get to apply anywhere specific. its more of, they are gonna look at all the cad/drafting openings and my resume gets sent to all of them. so i could get a job interview for anywhere. but in the mean time, he suggested i go on the site and apply to other jobs as well to show that i'm really interested in the company. he said i'll probably get a cad/drafting job if i really want it cause they are hurting for them and not a lot of people like that stuff. so he says i have a good chance. god i hope so. i just hope i don't get an interview in some state that id rather not live in. but i guess i'm gonna have to make a move forward in a direction of moving somewhere i don't want to in order to just start moving forward, if i have to at least, let's hope i don't lol. who knows. maybe i'll luck out and get somewhere i want to go to. somewhere warm would be nice. after being in CA, i've decided i like warmth better than snow lol. something bout lying on a beach in feb really sparked my interest lol
ok well now that ive wasted almost 2 hrs of time at work, i guess i can go write something or probably find someone i need to call. i can't wait till i find a new better job. i want to do engineering stuff so badly =(