on saturday, andrea called me and we devised a lovely plan, which was andrea and ana come to jessica's house and party. it was quite fun considering we were a bit bummed about not going to the andrea doria show. anyways..they were terrified of my dog and that was pretty hilarious, but understandable at the same time seeing as my dog is pretty vicious. we ordered pizza and stalked/made-fun-of people on myspace. then we watched some drive-thru records videos and my only thoughts on that are..buckethead (and that was only intended for mine, andrea and ana's laughing pleasure). haha.
1. we thought it looked kind of like a rabbit
2. i was cold and apparently really happy
4. i hate keys
5. shoes/foot flower
6. attempt 1
7. attempt 2. i have no idea what those faces are
8. (i edited this one, which is why it looks brighter..and stuff)
9. i think we are gay
12. pinocchio!
14. i've always had a bit of a lazy eye
the end.