I am bored and you must be too since you are reading my journal so here is a interesting survey 4 u

Apr 15, 2004 18:58

1.FULL name: Sarah Helen Shekitka
2.nicknames: Shitkicker lol Hoe (Megan)
3.city and state born in: Voorhess NJ
4.state you live in now: Michigan
5.birthdate: September 11 1988
6.astrological sign: Virgo
7.school: Freeland High School
8.hobbies: Dance
9.sports that you play/enjoy: Well is dance a sport?
10.height: 5'6
11.weight: 113
12.shoe size: 8 I think but 7 in bowling shoes lmao
13.right or lefty: Righty

1. What do you think of the way you look?: Umm I guess Im alright but some ppl cough cough megan and my mom think i am too skinny
2. What do you think about your attitude?: LoL i can be a bitch lol and i tell what is on my mind but if you get to know me I am very sweet lol.. as long as you dont piss me off b/c I always win lol
3. What do you think about life after death?: I believe there is an afterlife
4. What do you think about karma?: LoL
5. What do you think about love?: We arent goin to get into that subject right now
6. What do you think about fate?: It is definatly there
7. What do you think about your self?: I am a pretty fun person that says many random things lol
8. What do you tell yourself if times get hard?: There is no such thing as mistakes. Everything happens for a reason, no matter what that might be.
9. What would you give your life for?: God
10. What do you think about your first love?: He is a dick and broke my heart
11. What do you think about the first person that loved you?: See question 10
12. What are you scared of?: Getting hurt by another guy
13. What was the saddest moment of your life so far?: Last weekend but it made me relize that I can do better
14. What would life be without friends?: Gosh I dunno where ill be prolly in juve lol
15. Without family?: LoL same as question 14

*The Dream Side of You*
1.Do you dream a lot at night?: Lately
2.Do you dream in black and white, or color?: Color
3.Do you remember any of your dreams?: yeah
4.Where is your dream make out spot?: on a beach
5.What is your dream kiss like?: Humm lol
6.What is your dream job?: i dont have one
7.Where is your dream house?: One with a hot tub
8.Where is your dream vacation?: Cancun
9.Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul?: Im not sure

**DoN't Be AfRaId To DrEaM. ThE bEsT tHiNgS cOmE tO yOu WhEn YoU dReAm!**

1.Parents names: Joe and Debbie
2.Do you live with both of them?: Yup
3.Any siblings? If so, names and ages: Yup Linsey she would be 12
4.Do you get along with your siblings?: I never got to know her
5.Do you get along with your parents?: For the most part

*Do you...*
1.Do you write in a journal or diary?: This online thingy
2.Do you keep an organizer?: nope lol
3.Do you believe in love at first sight?: Maybe but it hasnt happened to me yet
4.Do you believe that every person has one soul mate: No i believe you can have many
5.Do you believe in god?: Of course
6.Do you believe in everyone (even the beyond helpless)?: Yes
7.Do you believe in having a good education?: Yes
8.Do you believe in horoscopes?: Not really
9.Do you believe in yourself?: Yeah
10.Do you shower daily?: YES
11.Do you like this survey so far?: Yup
12.Do you like the person that sent you this?: no sent it to me
13.Do you cry easily?: LoL on some subjects
14.Do you believe in Heaven?: yes
15.Do you believe in hell?: lol yes
16.Do you believe in reincarnation?: Yes havent you seen the movie Fluke?

1.favorite day of the week: Friday
2.favorite ice-cream: Superman
3.favorite movies: Too many
4.favorite actors: Paul Walker
5.favorite actresses: Julia Stiles
6.favorite quote: You wanna get laid? Crawl up a chickens ass and wait lol that goes out to a certain ass hole
7.favorite songs: Too many
8.favorite music groups: too many
9.favorite music singers: too many
10.favorite holiday: I dont really like any of them
11.favorite season: Summer
12.favorite colors: Pink and orange
13.favorite flowers: Rose
14.favorite book: I dunno
15.favorite school subject: LoL none of them

*When you hear ___ you think of..*
1.Baseball: Injury
2.Jeff: Junior
3.Dog: Biscuit
4.Warm apple pie: American Pie
5.Socks: Ducky
6.Fish: Sticks
7.Nail: Polish
8.Amanda: Lamont
9.Swimming: Pool
10.Bologna: Sandwich
11.Giant Eagle: America
12.A nun: Bible
13.The # 69: Sex lol
14.School: Stucks

1.Who is your overall~* top of the line~* best friend?: prolly Megan but I dont like to rate them
2.Who is your 2nd best friend?: "
3.Who is your 3rd best friend?: "
4.Who is your 4th best friend?: "
5.If there are anymore, you can list them here: Chelsea, Chris, Anna, Billy, Kristen, Katie, Rebecca, Midge, Morgan, Anne, Kristen, Krappen, Kyle

6.Is the funniest: Megan Chris Billy Kristen and Katie all together
7.Do you tell your dreams to: Megan
8.Do you tell your fears to: Megan and Rebecca
9.Do you go to for advice: Megan and Rebecca
10.Have you dreamt about: Megan lol nothing nasty
11.Knows everything about you: Megan & Morgan
12.Do you tell your secrets to: Megan and Rebecca
13.Is the most shy: Chelsea
14.Is the loudest Billy
15.Can't you live without: All of them
16.Is the most trendy: MEGAN
17.Can be the most annoying: All of them they all have there times but they know I will always love them
18.Lives the farthest away from you: Anne
19.Lives closest to you: Anna
20.Are you most like:

21.What do you look for in a friend?: Someone who I can always trust and who will stick by me through the hard times and the good times

1.boyfriend/girlfriend's name: There aint one of those in my life right now
2.crush: Gosh I like someone right now but I dont wanna get hurt again
3.where does that special someone live?: In the Ghetto lol right Megan
4.things you like in the opposite sex: Outgoing & Personality
5.when was your first kiss: 8th grade
6.are you a virgin: Sure am
7.the most romantic thing anyone has done for you was: Noone has done anything romantic for me yet :(
8.which is more important- personality or looks?: Personality all the way
9.first boyfriend/girlfriend: Kevin Yuck!

*Creative Q's*
1.If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why?: Walk the moon b/c I always wanted to go there and I think the sun is too hot
2.What color do you think best describes you and why?: Pink lol b/c I am flirty
3.If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing: Umm hangin out with Megan Chris Kristen Katie and Billy
4.Would you ever share you heart completely with someone else? If yes- who~* if no- why not?: yes if I truely loved that person
5.Which sense could you not live without, and why?: I couldnt live with out my sense of touch b/c well it would be hard
6.Have you ever written on a mirror? If so what did you write?: yeah just phone numbers
7.If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why?: Freak out on the ho-bo hunt b/c there was nothing to be scared of lol
8.Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed indoors?: Cozy bed baby
9.What is the most beautiful thing in the world?: A sunset
10.Name one person whose changed your life for the better: It would have to be Kevin though I hate him he showed me that I am beautiful no matter what ppl say and that I can get better lol
11.What can someone do to you that would turn you on fully- physically or mentally- or both?: Make me feel like I am their everything and that they would love me for who I am
12.If you knew you were going to pass away within the next few days, what would be the last thing you say, and who would you say that to?: I would say thanks Megan for always being there for me and lending me a shoulder to cry on and that I love her lol
13.What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood your in?: My friends
14.If you could meet anyone, past or present, dead or alive, who would you meet and why?: Paul Walker to see if he is that cute in person
15.And finally, what makes you you?: I dunno but if u do comment me and tell me :)
I hope you enjoyed this super long survey!
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