Oct 09, 2008 14:18
i got into my first car accident yesterday on my way to work in the city....two blocks away from work!
some guy hit me and took my front bumper completely off..i mean that shit went fucking flying and landed a block away from where i was-i laugh everytime i think about it even though at the time it was scary...haha
i get out of the car and im like what the fuck you couldnt slow down at least? you saw me switching into the left fucking lane and you speed up and come out of no where! and he goes excuse me miss, but this is all your fault!
and all that goes through my mind is "great..the "fault" game."
mean while, my bumper is sitting on E42nd st and im on E43rd, astonished that my bumper is there, and figuring out what the fuck to do with it. i mean THE WHOLLLE THING WAS THERE. hahaha license plate and all.
the guy says it was my fault and i hit him from behind. BULLLLLSHIT!
he has no dents on his bumper or anything. he has a few scratches on the back right SIDE of his car-HE FUCKING SWIPED ME and left me bumperless hahaha.
being that i was in a fucking panic and shock and a "what the fuck just happened" mental state, i didnt know what to do. i just said to the guy that i didnt want to fight with him and i just want to exchange information and just get this handled and blah blah blah..so i calledmy dad and all that..
he called the cops..and the weird thing is, is that later on the cop said to him "this is all your fault. nah just messin with you Allen."
how did he know him on a first name basis? i didnt even know his name. since his van was a company van, he wrote down only that type of information-not his name...so i didnt even know it. the only reason i know it, is because of the cop.
so i snapped a bunch of pictures, and later on at work (yes i still went to work!) wrote out what happened on a piece a paper and drew a diagram, and im going to send it to my insurance or whatever so hopefully it doesnt go up...
maybe ill post pics up later of what happened...its amusing
i think i may have hit my head or something in the accident cause i got a migraine today and ive been taking my migraine medicene and everything so its just strange..but i dont remember cause it happened to fast.
anyone have any suggestions as to what i should to do? he basically told the cops it was my fault, and i was a dumb confused broad during that moment of what was going on and wasnt thinking...is my evidence good enough?