i hate it when you are listening to music and it has you in a nice mood and then you click on somebody's myspace and your mood is ruined by some horrific song blasting out from the person's page.
my weekend was pretty amazing, i liked it lots.
it mainly consisted spending lots of time with boyle which was quite brilliant.
sean mcgoat,dale winton,stevie g & big gay cal (to name but a few)are also quite big contributers.
on friday it was million dead & flood of red; good gig, nice to see campbell again & play millionaire.
after that gig i stayed at that boyle girl's house which was a pure dancer.
on saturday i went home and she came with me and i took ages to get ready and she got annoyed but then i got my act together and then we went into town and then we met lorena,stevie g,sean mcgoat,gav,calum ect and went to clydeside and that was a bit funny. and now my head is getting annoyed because i keep talking like a four year old.
HOWEVER; after that we were aiming on going to borders but ended up staying on buchannan street for ages while the ladzz kicked a stupid thiiiing about.
after he got a bit puffed out, calum got creative and transformed into 'dorkus' :
what a pure laugh.
after they got their act together, we settled for the big circle in princess square and a 'funky little dude' kept going round and round with his horse.
quite cute actually, infact he was very cute.
it was nice to just sit there.
soon after boyle & i headed to guy's party, which was ruined thanks to the usual people who tend to do that, just for fun you know, obviously.
only in the house for a little while but it was fun while it lasted i guess, went back to boyle's after that where i apparantly woke the mcgoaty household (plus jamie) up & then we tried pure dale who was still awake.
aye, weirdo.
um she put chocolate all over my face therefore i insisted she do the same to herself, she refused, so i helped her out.
i tried to go to sleep, but i didn't make it to the comfy bed so i just settled for the little piece of floor outside of the room.
rachel pure caught me though and took a photay.
on the sabbath day i rested then went and watched some foo's play pool then actually went to see the worst film ever.
the hitch hiker's guide to galaxy.
it's diabolical.
today was also good, didn't do much but it's nice to see people, especially when it's lubo, sean campbell & nick... three characters i've not seen for too long.
i don't know if i can be bothered saying much else.
i don't think i even intended on writing this much.