
Nov 08, 2007 11:38

haha So last night I read this entire journal from finish to start.. I laughed a LOT. I used to be kinda funny, and mayyyybe even a little bit witty. I have changed a fucking LOT. I didn't think I had, but I went back and re-read all that shit and I feel like a completely different person.. It's nuts.. Anyway, I suppose I'll give a brief rundown of the last 8 months since all I've really talked about on here was just my band going on tour..

Well I moved up here to Seattle in March, into a studio apartment with 3 other dudes.. haha Fucking 4 dudes in a studio, jesus christ I can't believe I managed.. After 2 SWEET months of that we moved into a 2 bedroom apt that was actually cheaper than our studio by 150 bucks, imagine that shit.. I went on 2 west coast tours this year with my band which both were a success in their own ways. Here's some highlights of both tours

Well there actually weren't any highlights from the first tour.. But it was still fun I guess. There were definitely some lowlights to that tour though. Mostly due to Tyler..

Let's talk about the summer tour instead with Xur. This tour was incredible, I had sooo much fun, and could only have been more happy if I didn't have to play guitar by myself. Josh couldn't come because of school so we went as a 3 piece, and surprisingly people were super into us. We played at a bar in Eugene, OR called The Samurai Duck (which rules by the way) and low and behold DIRECTLY across the street was an Ozzfest offdate, which sucked, but was also cool, because since we were playing a bar show, our show didn't start til AFTER that show so hella drunk dudes came in and hungout and watched us and whatnot. I also ran into my friend Mick that was doing tech shit for Hatebreed and he hooked us up with vip passes for that show. So that was pretty cool. Later that night when we played the guys from Behemoth and 3 Inches Of Blood watched us, that was pretty weird. Afterwords the guitar player for 3 Inches Of Blood got Alex suuuuper hammered hahaha and the dude from Behemoth was trying to tell Alex we were good but he spoke not so great of english. That was a great night for sure.

We stayed in Palm Springs for 2 nights at this dudes house with a pool, which ruled, it was 120 degrees outside and we just jammed the pool all day then played the shows at night. Mucho good times.

The Los Angeles show at the Knitting Factory was awesome as well. We played with several fucking AWESOME bands including Judas, Ancestors, Tweakbird, and 2 others that were good as fuck as well.

We stayed in Fresno for 3 nights trying to find shows to play, we ended up playing 1 song at a bar, and then the next night played this part for a bunch of mexican gangsters, which were actually super into us and super good dudes. Quite possibly the nicest people we met on tour.. So weird..

Portland ruled, we played 2 shows there, both were awesome for sure. Good to see some friends, and Josh drove down from Seattle to play the second Portland show so that was aweeeeesome. Then we had our Seattle show, which was pretty cool, then our Spokane show, which was incredible. I love playing in Spokane, people are actually kinda into us there.

That was a great tour, I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

The past couple months have been spent just being completely stoked on a certain girl named Randi..

this is her (and me)

She's an incredible person and I can't wait to get back to Utah to see her.. She makes me feel completely comfortable and that's something I haven't felt with anyone in quite a while.. Oh yea I forgot to mention, I'm moving back to Utah in likeeee 3 weeks. Alex, Justin, and I are all moving back, and Josh is staying to finish school. Starting next April/May we want to be touring fulltime, or at the very least a few months out of the year.

That's pretty much my life right now.. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did typing it (which honestly wasn't very much haha) But I figured to the 2 people that will ACTUALLY read this, I should give an update.

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